
A quiz format containing slider and multiple choice type questions

Updated 2 years ago to v6.0.0 by Flourish team

How to use this template

This template is for making quizzes, letting users answer slider and multiple choice questions. It's also possible to compare user input with a dataset of comparative answers.

Data requirements

This template consists of 3 sheets.

  • Questions, in this sheet you can list your questions
  • Feedback, in this sheet you can optionally add feedback after each question
  • End result, in this sheet you can write the end result you see after finishing the quiz.

The Questions and Feedback sheets are connected to each other. So the Feedback sheet contains answers that are linked to questions in the Questions sheet. The End result sheet is entirely optional and can be used to show a message at the end of the quiz.


  • You can change and translate all the text in this visualisation via the settings panel
  • You can specify the default comparison in the settings panel


Created by the Flourish team.

This section documents API usage specific to this template, so for an introduction we suggest you refer to the generic API documentation instead.

template: @flourish/quiz

version: 6

Template data

There are three different formats in which you can supply data to this template. The most convenient for you to use likely depends on the source of your data, as described below.

1. Array of arrays, and a bindings object

You can supply arrays of arrays to opts.data, which might look like:

    data: {
        questions: [
            [ "QuestionsColumn1Value1", "QuestionsColumn2Value1",
            [ "QuestionsColumn1Value2", "QuestionsColumn2Value2",
            [ "QuestionsColumn1Value3", "QuestionsColumn2Value3",
        scores: [
            [ "ScoresColumn1Value1", "ScoresColumn2Value1",
            [ "ScoresColumn1Value2", "ScoresColumn2Value2",
            [ "ScoresColumn1Value3", "ScoresColumn2Value3",
        results: [
            [ "ResultsColumn1Value1", "ResultsColumn2Value1",
            [ "ResultsColumn1Value2", "ResultsColumn2Value2",
            [ "ResultsColumn1Value3", "ResultsColumn2Value3",

where each array of arrays represents the rows in a data sheet.

To tell the API how the values from each column should be associated with the keys that the template is expecting, you must also supply an object attached to opts.bindings. (The meanings of the keys in the bindings object are documented below.) The minimal bindings you can supply for this template are as shown in this example:

    template: "@flourish/quiz",
    version: "6",
    bindings: {
        questions: {
            text: 0, // index of a column in your data
            input_type: 2, // index of a column in your data
        scores: {
            question: 0, // index of a column in your data
            range: 1, // index of a column in your data
        results: {
            range: 0, // index of a column in your data
    data: {
        questions: [
            [ "QuestionsColumn1Value1", "QuestionsColumn2Value1",
            [ "QuestionsColumn1Value2", "QuestionsColumn2Value2",
            [ "QuestionsColumn1Value3", "QuestionsColumn2Value3",
        scores: [
            [ "ScoresColumn1Value1", "ScoresColumn2Value1",
            [ "ScoresColumn1Value2", "ScoresColumn2Value2",
            [ "ScoresColumn1Value3", "ScoresColumn2Value3",
        results: [
            [ "ResultsColumn1Value1", "ResultsColumn2Value1",
            [ "ResultsColumn1Value2", "ResultsColumn2Value2",
            [ "ResultsColumn1Value3", "ResultsColumn2Value3",

All possible bindings that you can supply are shown in this example:

    template: "@flourish/quiz",
    version: "6",
    bindings: {
        questions: {
            text: 0, // index of a column in your data
            explanation: 1, // index of a column in your data
            input_type: 2, // index of a column in your data
            answers: [3, 4, ...], // index(es) of column(s) in your data
            suffix: 5, // index of a column in your data
            choices: 6, // index of a column in your data
        scores: {
            question: 0, // index of a column in your data
            range: 1, // index of a column in your data
            explanation: 2, // index of a column in your data
            media: 3, // index of a column in your data
        results: {
            range: 0, // index of a column in your data
            text: 1, // index of a column in your data
            media: 2, // index of a column in your data
    data: {
        questions: [
            [ "QuestionsColumn1Value1", "QuestionsColumn2Value1",
            [ "QuestionsColumn1Value2", "QuestionsColumn2Value2",
            [ "QuestionsColumn1Value3", "QuestionsColumn2Value3",
        scores: [
            [ "ScoresColumn1Value1", "ScoresColumn2Value1",
            [ "ScoresColumn1Value2", "ScoresColumn2Value2",
            [ "ScoresColumn1Value3", "ScoresColumn2Value3",
        results: [
            [ "ResultsColumn1Value1", "ResultsColumn2Value1",
            [ "ResultsColumn1Value2", "ResultsColumn2Value2",
            [ "ResultsColumn1Value3", "ResultsColumn2Value3",

2. Array of objects with arbitrary keys, and a bindings object

This format is most likely useful when you have data from an external source, such as CSV data loaded from d3-dsv. You should supply this attached to the opts.data, which might look like:

        questions: [
            { "QuestionsHeader1": ..., "QuestionsHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "QuestionsHeader1": ..., "QuestionsHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "QuestionsHeader1": ..., "QuestionsHeader2": ..., ... },
        scores: [
            { "ScoresHeader1": ..., "ScoresHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "ScoresHeader1": ..., "ScoresHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "ScoresHeader1": ..., "ScoresHeader2": ..., ... },
        results: [
            { "ResultsHeader1": ..., "ResultsHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "ResultsHeader1": ..., "ResultsHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "ResultsHeader1": ..., "ResultsHeader2": ..., ... },

... but with the keys being the column headers from your source data instead. You must also supply an object attached to opts.bindings. The minimal bindings you can supply for this template are as shown in this example:

    template: "@flourish/quiz",
    version: "6",
    bindings: {
        questions: {
            text: "QuestionsHeader1",
            input_type: "QuestionsHeader3",
        scores: {
            question: "ScoresHeader1",
            range: "ScoresHeader2",
        results: {
            range: "ResultsHeader1",
    data: {
        questions: [
            { "QuestionsHeader1": ..., "QuestionsHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "QuestionsHeader1": ..., "QuestionsHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "QuestionsHeader1": ..., "QuestionsHeader2": ..., ... },
        scores: [
            { "ScoresHeader1": ..., "ScoresHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "ScoresHeader1": ..., "ScoresHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "ScoresHeader1": ..., "ScoresHeader2": ..., ... },
        results: [
            { "ResultsHeader1": ..., "ResultsHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "ResultsHeader1": ..., "ResultsHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "ResultsHeader1": ..., "ResultsHeader2": ..., ... },

All possible bindings that you can supply are shown in this example:

    template: "@flourish/quiz",
    version: "6",
    bindings: {
        questions: {
            text: "QuestionsHeader1",
            explanation: "QuestionsHeader2",
            input_type: "QuestionsHeader3",
            answers: ["QuestionsHeader4", "QuestionsHeader5", ...],
            suffix: "QuestionsHeader6",
            choices: "QuestionsHeader7",
        scores: {
            question: "ScoresHeader1",
            range: "ScoresHeader2",
            explanation: "ScoresHeader3",
            media: "ScoresHeader4",
        results: {
            range: "ResultsHeader1",
            text: "ResultsHeader2",
            media: "ResultsHeader3",
    data: {
        questions: [
            { "QuestionsHeader1": ..., "QuestionsHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "QuestionsHeader1": ..., "QuestionsHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "QuestionsHeader1": ..., "QuestionsHeader2": ..., ... },
        scores: [
            { "ScoresHeader1": ..., "ScoresHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "ScoresHeader1": ..., "ScoresHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "ScoresHeader1": ..., "ScoresHeader2": ..., ... },
        results: [
            { "ResultsHeader1": ..., "ResultsHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "ResultsHeader1": ..., "ResultsHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "ResultsHeader1": ..., "ResultsHeader2": ..., ... },

(As before, the keys containing "Header" would be replaced by column names from your data source.)

3. Array of objects with template-defined keys

There is an alternative format you can use, which is likely to be easier to use if your data is not from a spreadsheet source. With this alternative format you supply your data to the template as an array of objects, attached to opts.data, where the keys must be those used by the template, as documented below. In this case there is no need to supply a bindings object, since the key names are already those expected by the template. The required properties in the data object are as follows (scroll down for a description of what each property is):

    template: "@flourish/quiz",
    version: "6",
    data: {
    questions: [
            text: ...,
            input_type: ...,
            answers: [...]
    scores: [
            question: ...,
            range: ...
    results: [
            range: ...

And the full list of all possible properties is as follows:

    template: "@flourish/quiz",
    version: "6",
    data: {
    questions: [
            text: ...,
            explanation: ...,
            input_type: ...,
            answers: [...],
            suffix: ...,
            choices: ...
    scores: [
            question: ...,
            range: ...,
            explanation: ...,
            media: ...
    results: [
            range: ...,
            text: ...,
            media: ...

Meanings of the template data keys:

  • questions.text: Question text
  • questions.explanation: A short text explanation accompanying the question
  • questions.input_type: Type of answer input, choose between "slider" or "multiple choice"
  • questions.answers: The correct answer to the question. The score will be decided by the difference between this answer and your input. It's possible to select multiple columns with answers, this will create a dropdown list above the quiz where you can select which answer to compare to.
  • questions.suffix: Add a suffix after the value, eg. "%" or "people" (only for "slider" input type)
  • questions.choices: Options to show in multiple choice questions. Divide using "::" (eg. "Cat :: Dog :: Sheep :: Badger")
  • scores.question: Question that the answer belongs to
  • scores.range: The answer to the question. This can be text for multiple choice questions. For slider answers, you can use numbers or number ranges, values could be "0-10" or "4" or "*" to select all answers. You can also add multiple rows with score ranges per question, the more specific scores will take priority (eg. it will choose "4" over "0-10" over "*")
  • scores.explanation: Text to show after answering question
  • scores.media: Picture to show after answering question
  • results.range: A range of points you're targeting. You can use numbers or number ranges, values could be "0-10" or "4" or "*" to select all answers. You can also add multiple rows with score ranges per question, the more specific scores will take priority (eg. it will choose "4" over "0-10" over "*")
  • results.text: text
  • results.media: An image to show with the result

Template settings

Options for opts.state.


color_primary color

User input.

color_neutral color


color_correct color


block_text_color color


text_border_color color

Border color.

block_text_size string


Allowed values:

  • 1.2 (ᴀ)
  • 1.4 (A)
  • 1.6 (fa-font)
  • custom (...)

block_text_size_custom number

Custom. Specify a custom responsive font size. Best results will be with values between 1.2 and 3

block_background color


block_padding number


block_border_width number


block_border_color color


block_border_radius number


block_shadow boolean


Allowed values:

  • true (On)
  • false (Off)

block_shadow_blur number


block_shadow_opacity number


Max: 1

block_btn_text_color color

Text color.

block_btn_text_size string


Allowed values:

  • 1.1 (ᴀ)
  • 1.2 (A)
  • 1.4 (fa-font)
  • custom (...)

block_btn_text_size_custom number

Custom. Specify a custom responsive font size. Best results will be with values between 1.2 and 3

show_all_questions boolean

Show unanswered questions.


slider_handle_fill color


slider_handle_radius number


slider_handle_stroke number


slider_channel_fill color


slider_channel_height number


slider_comparison_opacity number

Comparison opacity.

Max: 1

slider_range_type string

Slider range. When in "Auto" mode, the range will go from 0 to nearest power of 10. In "fixed" mode, you can set a fixed range for every question. For "custom" you can set a range for each individual question.

Allowed values:

  • auto (Auto)
  • fixed (Fixed)
  • custom (Custom)

slider_range_min number


slider_range_max number


slider_range_step number


slider_range_custom text

Custom. Set a custom range for each question. Write a new range on each line with the following format:
[question text] :: [range minimum] :: [range maximum] :: [range step].

For example:

How many people live in London? :: 1000000 :: 20000000 :: 1000

slider_number_format.prefix string

Prefix. Text to place in front of number

slider_number_format.suffix string

Suffix. Text to place after number

slider_number_format.n_dec number

Decimal places. Use negative integers to round to positive powers of ten (eg -2 rounds to the nearest 100)

Min: -10

Max: 10

slider_number_format.advanced boolean


slider_number_format.negative_sign string

Styling of negative numbers.

Allowed values:

  • -$nk (-$100k)
  • $-nk ($-100k)
  • ($nk) (($100k))
  • $(n)k ($(100)k)
  • none ($100k)

slider_number_format.strip_zeros boolean

Remove trailing zeros.

slider_number_format.strip_separator boolean

Hide thousands separator below 10,000. Turn off if you want four-digit numbers to include a separator, e.g. “1,234” rather than “1234”.

slider_number_format.transform_labels boolean

Multiply/divide values.

slider_number_format.transform string

Allowed values:

  • multiply (Multiply by)
  • divide (Divide by)
  • exponentiate (×10 to the power of)

slider_number_format.multiply_divide_constant number

slider_number_format.exponentiate_constant number

Multiple choice

mc_background color


mc_border_color color


mc_border_width number


mc_border_radius number



Allowed values:

  • true (Enabled)
  • false (Disabled)

Default comparison. Type in a that's selected as a default when you load the visualisation

Text colour.

score_advanced boolean

Advanced scoring settings.

score_slider_min number

Min score. This is the minimum score the user will get on a slider question. This is the score you'll get when you're more than 50% off from the answer

score_slider_max number

Max score. This is the maximum score the user can get on a slider question. This is the score you'll get when you get the exact answer

score_slider_offset number

Free zone. Defined as percentage. This is an area around the correct answer that's still treated as correct. For example. if a slider question goes from 0 to 2000, with the correct answer being 1200 and this setting is set to 2.5, then all submitted answers 5% around 1200 will be treated as correct, in this case anything between 1150 and 1250.

Max: 50

score_mc_correct number

Score when correct.

score_mc_wrong number

Score when wrong.

End result

end_result_default_text text

Default end result text. This is the text that shows up after you've finished the quiz. You can add custom end result text for specific score ranges in the Data tab, inside the "End result" sheet

Text and translation

text_your_answer string

Slider your answer.

text_submit string

Submit button.

text_dropdown_label string

Dropdown label.

Number formatting

localization.input_decimal_separator string

Decimal separator in data sheet. Used for interpreting your data. Only change if data is not displaying on the chart as expected.

Allowed values:

  • . (.)
  • , (,)

localization.output_separators string

Number format to display. How the numbers should appear on chart labels

Allowed values:

  • ,. (12,235.67)
  • ., (12.345,67)
  • . (12235.67)
  • , (12345,67)
  • . (12 235.67)
  • , (12 345,67)



layout.body_font font

Main font. This font will apply to the whole graphic by default, but you can optionally change the font for the title, subtitle, footer, etc in the Header and Footer settings panels.

layout.font_color color

Text color. This color will apply to the whole graphic by default, but you can optionally change the color for individual text elements, in other settings panels.

layout.background_color_enabled boolean


Allowed values:

  • true (On)
  • false (Off)

layout.background_image_enabled boolean


Allowed values:

  • true (On)
  • false (Off)

layout.background_color color

Background color.

layout.background_image_src url

Image URL.

layout.background_image_size string


Allowed values:

  • cover (Fill)
  • contain (Fit)
  • auto (Original)
  • 100% 100% (Stretch)

layout.background_image_position string


Allowed values:

  • top left (Top left)
  • top center (Top center)
  • top right (Top right)
  • center left (Center left)
  • center center (Center)
  • center right (Center right)
  • bottom left (Bottom left)
  • bottom center (Bottom center)
  • bottom right (Bottom right)

layout.max_width_target string

Maximum width. Apply a maximum width to just the main graphic or everything (main graphic plus header, footer, etc)

Allowed values:

  • none (None)
  • wrapper (Everything)
  • primary (Main graphic)

layout.max_width number

Maximum width. Leave blank to stretch to container width

Min: 50

layout.max_width_align string


Allowed values:

  • left (fa-align-left)
  • center (fa-align-center)
  • right (fa-align-right)

layout.layout_order string

Layout order.

Allowed values:

  • stack-default ()
  • stack-2 ()
  • stack-3 ()
  • stack-4 ()

layout.space_between_sections string

Space between sections.

Allowed values:

  • 0.5 (▁)
  • 1 (▃)
  • 1.5 (▄)
  • custom (...)

layout.space_between_sections_custom number


Max: 100

layout.margin_top number


layout.margin_right number


layout.margin_bottom number


layout.margin_left number


layout.border.enabled boolean

Show borders around visualisation.

layout.border.top.width number


layout.border.top.style string


Allowed values:

  • solid (Solid)
  • dashed (Dashed)
  • dotted (Dotted)

layout.border.top.color color


layout.border.right.width number


layout.border.right.style string


Allowed values:

  • solid (Solid)
  • dashed (Dashed)
  • dotted (Dotted)

layout.border.right.color color


layout.border.bottom.width number


layout.border.bottom.style string


Allowed values:

  • solid (Solid)
  • dashed (Dashed)
  • dotted (Dotted)

layout.border.bottom.color color


layout.border.left.width number


layout.border.left.style string


Allowed values:

  • solid (Solid)
  • dashed (Dashed)
  • dotted (Dotted)

layout.border.left.color color


layout.read_direction string

Read direction. This will change the reading direction of the main text elements on the page. Its not possible to adjust this on all elements such as axes. Note that when direction is set to "right to left" any alignment icons will be reversed.

Allowed values:

  • ltr (Left to right)
  • rtl (Right to left)

layout.header_align string


Allowed values:

  • left (fa-align-left)
  • center (fa-align-center)
  • right (fa-align-right)

layout.title html

layout.title_styling boolean


layout.title_font font

Title Font.

layout.title_size string


Allowed values:

  • 1.4 (ᴀ)
  • 1.6 (A)
  • 2 (fa-font)
  • custom (...)

layout.title_size_custom number

Custom. Specify a custom responsive font size. Best results will be with values between 1.2 and 3

layout.title_weight string


Allowed values:

  • bold (Bold)
  • normal (Regular)

layout.title_color color


layout.title_line_height number

Line height.

Max: 3

layout.title_space_above string

Space above.

Allowed values:

  • 0 (▁)
  • 0.5 (▃)
  • 1 (▄)
  • custom (...)

layout.title_space_above_custom number


Max: 100

layout.subtitle html

layout.subtitle_styling boolean


layout.subtitle_font font

Subtitle Font.

layout.subtitle_size string


Allowed values:

  • 1.4 (ᴀ)
  • 1.6 (A)
  • 2 (fa-font)
  • custom (...)

layout.subtitle_size_custom number

Custom. Specify a custom responsive font size. Best results will be with values between 1.2 and 3

layout.subtitle_weight string


Allowed values:

  • bold (Bold)
  • normal (Regular)

layout.subtitle_color color


layout.subtitle_line_height number

Line height.

Max: 3

layout.subtitle_space_above string

Space above.

Allowed values:

  • 0 (▁)
  • 0.5 (▃)
  • 1 (▄)
  • custom (...)

layout.subtitle_space_above_custom number


Max: 100

layout.header_text html

layout.header_text_styling boolean


layout.header_text_size string


Allowed values:

  • 1.2 (ᴀ)
  • 1.4 (A)
  • 1.6 (fa-font)
  • custom (...)

layout.header_text_size_custom number

Custom. Specify a custom responsive font size. Best results will be with values between 1.2 and 3

layout.header_text_weight string


Allowed values:

  • bold (Bold)
  • normal (Regular)

layout.header_text_color color


layout.header_text_line_height number

Line height.

Max: 3

layout.header_text_space_above string

Space above.

Allowed values:

  • 0 (▁)
  • 0.5 (▃)
  • 1 (▄)
  • custom (...)

layout.header_text_space_above_custom number


Max: 100

layout.header_border string

Allowed values:

  • top (Top)
  • bottom (Bottom)
  • top_and_bottom (Top & bottom)
  • none (None)

layout.header_border_width number


layout.header_border_color color


layout.header_border_style string


Allowed values:

  • solid (Solid)
  • dashed (Dashed)
  • dotted (Dotted)

layout.header_border_space number

Space. Space between border and header text

layout.header_logo_enabled boolean

Allowed values:

  • true (Enabled)
  • false (Disabled)

layout.header_logo_src url



layout.header_logo_height number


layout.header_logo_align string

Align. Align logo inside either the header or the main visualisation container

Allowed values:

  • inside (Header)
  • outside (Main container)

layout.header_logo_position_inside string


Allowed values:

  • top (Top)
  • left (Left)
  • right (Right)

layout.header_logo_position_outside string


Allowed values:

  • left (Left)
  • right (Right)

layout.header_logo_margin_top number


layout.header_logo_margin_right number


layout.header_logo_margin_bottom number


layout.header_logo_margin_left number


layout.footer_align string


Allowed values:

  • left (fa-align-left)
  • center (fa-align-center)
  • right (fa-align-right)
  • justify (fa-align-justify)

layout.footer_text_size number


layout.footer_text_color color


layout.footer_styling boolean

Advanced footer styles.

layout.footer_font font


layout.footer_text_weight string


Allowed values:

  • bold (Bold)
  • normal (Regular)

layout.source_name string

Source name.

layout.source_url string

Source url.

layout.multiple_sources boolean

Multiple sources.

layout.source_name_2 string

Source name.

layout.source_url_2 string

Source url.

layout.source_name_3 string

Source name.

layout.source_url_3 string

Source url.

layout.source_label string

Source label.

layout.footer_note string


layout.footer_note_secondary string

Note (secondary). The secondary note is placed below the source and primary note

layout.footer_logo_enabled boolean


Allowed values:

  • true (Enabled)
  • false (Disabled)

layout.footer_logo_src url


layout.footer_logo_src_light hidden

Image (light version). If provided this version will be used whenever the background colour is dark


layout.footer_logo_height number


layout.footer_logo_margin number


layout.footer_logo_order string


Allowed values:

  • left (Left)
  • right (Right)

layout.footer_align_vertical string

V. align.

Allowed values:

  • flex-start (Top)
  • center (Center)
  • flex-end (Bottom)

layout.footer_border string

Allowed values:

  • top (Top)
  • bottom (Bottom)
  • top_and_bottom (Top & bottom)
  • none (None)

layout.footer_border_width number


layout.footer_border_color color


layout.footer_border_style string


Allowed values:

  • solid (Solid)
  • dashed (Dashed)
  • dotted (Dotted)

layout.footer_border_space number

Space. Space between border and footer text


layout.screenreader_hide_primary boolean

Screenreader mode for main visual container. Whether the main visual container is visible to screenreaders. (Text in the header and footer are always available to screenreaders.)

Allowed values:

  • true (Hidden)
  • false (Readable)

layout.screenreader_text_primary text

Screenreader description. A text alternative to the visual content that will only be visible to screenreaders, e.g. “The line chart shows China consistently higher than the other countries since 1990”. Do not replicate your title, since that will also be read by screenreaders.

layout.screenreader_label string

Screenreader label. A short text label given to the main Flourish embed wrapper to provide an accessible name that is only visible to screenreaders. Added in the form of an "aria-label".