Connections globe v1

Updated 7 years ago by Template retirement home

This section documents API usage specific to this template, so for an introduction we suggest you refer to the generic API documentation instead.

template: _149

version: _2

Template data

There are three different formats in which you can supply data to this template. The most convenient for you to use likely depends on the source of your data, as described below.

1. Array of arrays, and a bindings object

You can supply arrays of arrays to, which might look like:

    data: {
        values: [
            [ "ValuesColumn1Value1", "ValuesColumn2Value1",
            [ "ValuesColumn1Value2", "ValuesColumn2Value2",
            [ "ValuesColumn1Value3", "ValuesColumn2Value3",
        locations: [
            [ "LocationsColumn1Value1", "LocationsColumn2Value1",
            [ "LocationsColumn1Value2", "LocationsColumn2Value2",
            [ "LocationsColumn1Value3", "LocationsColumn2Value3",

where each array of arrays represents the rows in a data sheet.

To tell the API how the values from each column should be associated with the keys that the template is expecting, you must also supply an object attached to opts.bindings. (The meanings of the keys in the bindings object are documented below.) The minimal bindings you can supply for this template are as shown in this example:

    template: "_149",
    version: "_2",
    bindings: {
        values: {
            src: 0, // index of a column in your data
            dst: 1, // index of a column in your data
        locations: {
            code: 0, // index of a column in your data
            name: 1, // index of a column in your data
            latitude: 2, // index of a column in your data
            longitude: 3, // index of a column in your data
    data: {
        values: [
            [ "ValuesColumn1Value1", "ValuesColumn2Value1",
            [ "ValuesColumn1Value2", "ValuesColumn2Value2",
            [ "ValuesColumn1Value3", "ValuesColumn2Value3",
        locations: [
            [ "LocationsColumn1Value1", "LocationsColumn2Value1",
            [ "LocationsColumn1Value2", "LocationsColumn2Value2",
            [ "LocationsColumn1Value3", "LocationsColumn2Value3",

All possible bindings that you can supply are shown in this example:

    template: "_149",
    version: "_2",
    bindings: {
        values: {
            src: 0, // index of a column in your data
            dst: 1, // index of a column in your data
            scores: [2, 3, ...], // index(es) of column(s) in your data
        locations: {
            code: 0, // index of a column in your data
            name: 1, // index of a column in your data
            latitude: 2, // index of a column in your data
            longitude: 3, // index of a column in your data
    data: {
        values: [
            [ "ValuesColumn1Value1", "ValuesColumn2Value1",
            [ "ValuesColumn1Value2", "ValuesColumn2Value2",
            [ "ValuesColumn1Value3", "ValuesColumn2Value3",
        locations: [
            [ "LocationsColumn1Value1", "LocationsColumn2Value1",
            [ "LocationsColumn1Value2", "LocationsColumn2Value2",
            [ "LocationsColumn1Value3", "LocationsColumn2Value3",

2. Array of objects with arbitrary keys, and a bindings object

This format is most likely useful when you have data from an external source, such as CSV data loaded from d3-dsv. You should supply this attached to the, which might look like:

        values: [
            { "ValuesHeader1": ..., "ValuesHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "ValuesHeader1": ..., "ValuesHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "ValuesHeader1": ..., "ValuesHeader2": ..., ... },
        locations: [
            { "LocationsHeader1": ..., "LocationsHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "LocationsHeader1": ..., "LocationsHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "LocationsHeader1": ..., "LocationsHeader2": ..., ... },

... but with the keys being the column headers from your source data instead. You must also supply an object attached to opts.bindings. The minimal bindings you can supply for this template are as shown in this example:

    template: "_149",
    version: "_2",
    bindings: {
        values: {
            src: "ValuesHeader1",
            dst: "ValuesHeader2",
        locations: {
            code: "LocationsHeader1",
            name: "LocationsHeader2",
            latitude: "LocationsHeader3",
            longitude: "LocationsHeader4",
    data: {
        values: [
            { "ValuesHeader1": ..., "ValuesHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "ValuesHeader1": ..., "ValuesHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "ValuesHeader1": ..., "ValuesHeader2": ..., ... },
        locations: [
            { "LocationsHeader1": ..., "LocationsHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "LocationsHeader1": ..., "LocationsHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "LocationsHeader1": ..., "LocationsHeader2": ..., ... },

All possible bindings that you can supply are shown in this example:

    template: "_149",
    version: "_2",
    bindings: {
        values: {
            src: "ValuesHeader1",
            dst: "ValuesHeader2",
            scores: ["ValuesHeader3", "ValuesHeader4", ...],
        locations: {
            code: "LocationsHeader1",
            name: "LocationsHeader2",
            latitude: "LocationsHeader3",
            longitude: "LocationsHeader4",
    data: {
        values: [
            { "ValuesHeader1": ..., "ValuesHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "ValuesHeader1": ..., "ValuesHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "ValuesHeader1": ..., "ValuesHeader2": ..., ... },
        locations: [
            { "LocationsHeader1": ..., "LocationsHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "LocationsHeader1": ..., "LocationsHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "LocationsHeader1": ..., "LocationsHeader2": ..., ... },

(As before, the keys containing "Header" would be replaced by column names from your data source.)

3. Array of objects with template-defined keys

There is an alternative format you can use, which is likely to be easier to use if your data is not from a spreadsheet source. With this alternative format you supply your data to the template as an array of objects, attached to, where the keys must be those used by the template, as documented below. In this case there is no need to supply a bindings object, since the key names are already those expected by the template. The required properties in the data object are as follows (scroll down for a description of what each property is):

    template: "_149",
    version: "_2",
    data: {
    values: [
            src: ...,
            dst: ...,
            scores: [...]
    locations: [
            code: ...,
            name: ...,
            latitude: ...,
            longitude: ...

And the full list of all possible properties is as follows:

    template: "_149",
    version: "_2",
    data: {
    values: [
            src: ...,
            dst: ...,
            scores: [...]
    locations: [
            code: ...,
            name: ...,
            latitude: ...,
            longitude: ...

Meanings of the template data keys:

  • values.src: The column containing the name of the source country
  • values.dst: The column containing the name of the destination country
  • values.scores: One or more columns; will create a slider or menu if multiple columns are specified
  • locations.code: The column containing the location code
  • The column containing the location name
  • locations.latitude: The column containing the latitude for the arrow to point
  • locations.longitude: The column containing the longitude for the arrow to point

Template settings

Options for opts.state.

Title & subtitle

title string

Title. Optional title

subtitle string

Subtitle. Optional subtitle

Globe & arrows

globe_skin string

The image file for the global surface. Choose form [[world_blue.jpg]], [[world_brown.jpg]] or [[world_blue_white.jpg]], or provide a URL of jpg (4096×2048 pixels)

num_arrows number

Number of arrows. Sets a limit on the number of arrows to draw to improve animation performance

reverse_arrows boolean

Reverse arrows. Animate arrows from rather than to the selected country

arrow_color color

Arrow colour. The colour of the arrows

arrow_highlight_color color

Selected arrow colour. The colour of the selected arrow

arrow_scale number

Arrow scale. Multiplier to increase or decrease the width of the arrows

Text above country menu. Optional text above country menu

Text below country menu. Optional text below country menu

destinations string

Destination countries. The codes of the target countries to appear in the dropdown, separated by commas. Leave blank to include everything in the destination column. Use double hashes to add menu subheadings (e.g. ##Americas##, US, ##Europe##, GB, FR)

search_head string

Text before location. Optional text after the location in the country menu

search_tail string

Text after location. Optional text after the location in the country menu


num_results number

Maximum number of results. How many countries to show in the results list

show_scores boolean

Show scores. Show the data value for each country in the results

decimal_places number

Decimal places. Number of decimal places to show in the leaderboard and mouseover popups

score_prefix string

Symbol or text before score.

score_suffix string

Symbol or text after score.

leaderboard_highlight_color color

Selected text colour. Text colour for the selected country

Page design

background_color color

Background colour. Background colour of the page

grad boolean

Show gradient shade.

highlight_color color

Highlight colour. Colour for the numbers and slider handle

logo_url string

Logo URL (https). The URL of the logo to add to the graphic; should be on a secure (https) server

css text

Custom CSS styles. Custom CSS definitions to override the defaults


hide_nav boolean

Hide all text and controls.

button_nav boolean

Button nav. If checked, will switch the time slider for a button nav for switching between values in different columns

Initial view

country string

Default destination country. The country code of the destination country shown on initial load. Leave blank to choose from the first row of data.

distance number

Initial zoom. The distance from the earth, from 350 (closest) to 1000 (farthest away)

Min: 350

Max: 1000