Projection map

Make data maps with region-shading and/or points. Adapt an existing example or upload your own geographic boundary file.

Updated 8 days ago to v14.4.1 by Flourish team

How to use this template

Projection map

Make thematic maps using a range of projections with your own geometric data.

Data requirements: Regions

Create shadeable geographic regions by uploading your own map data in GeoJSON format. The file should contain a FeatureCollection with each feature being a Polygon or MultiPolygon in unprojected (WGS84) coordinates. Each feature will become a row in the datasheet with the geometry in the first column and metadata (properties) in subsequent columns.

The metadata can be used for shading regions to make a choropleth map. Additional data from a separate source (an xlsx or CSV file) can be added using the merge option when importing data as shown below and in the video at the bottom of the page.

Animation showing how to construct a datasheet for making a choropleth map

Data requirements: Points

Alongside regions, one can also draw points. For Points data the template requires one row per point with at least a column for longitudae and a column for latitude (both in decimal degrees). In addition, it is possible to shade points by (categorical) value and/or size points by (numeric) value.


  • Remove a region from a visualisation by deleting the corresponding row in the Regions datasheet.
  • Choose from over 40 different map projections in the Projections panel. In advanced mode the map can be centred around any point on Earth.
  • Use the Meta data for popups column selection boxes to add additional data to popups.


The default data comes from the World Bank and is licensed under CC-BY 4.0.

This section documents API usage specific to this template, so for an introduction we suggest you refer to the generic API documentation instead.

template: @flourish/projection-map

version: 14

Template data

There are three different formats in which you can supply data to this template. The most convenient for you to use likely depends on the source of your data, as described below.

1. Array of arrays, and a bindings object

You can supply arrays of arrays to, which might look like:

    data: {
        regions: [
            [ "RegionsColumn1Value1", "RegionsColumn2Value1",
            [ "RegionsColumn1Value2", "RegionsColumn2Value2",
            [ "RegionsColumn1Value3", "RegionsColumn2Value3",
        regions_geometry: [
            [ "Regions_geometryColumn1Value1", "Regions_geometryColumn2Value1",
            [ "Regions_geometryColumn1Value2", "Regions_geometryColumn2Value2",
            [ "Regions_geometryColumn1Value3", "Regions_geometryColumn2Value3",
        points: [
            [ "PointsColumn1Value1", "PointsColumn2Value1",
            [ "PointsColumn1Value2", "PointsColumn2Value2",
            [ "PointsColumn1Value3", "PointsColumn2Value3",
        lines: [
            [ "LinesColumn1Value1", "LinesColumn2Value1",
            [ "LinesColumn1Value2", "LinesColumn2Value2",
            [ "LinesColumn1Value3", "LinesColumn2Value3",

where each array of arrays represents the rows in a data sheet.

To tell the API how the values from each column should be associated with the keys that the template is expecting, you must also supply an object attached to opts.bindings. (The meanings of the keys in the bindings object are documented below.) The minimal bindings you can supply for this template are as shown in this example:

    template: "@flourish/projection-map",
    version: "14",
    bindings: {
        regions: {
        regions_geometry: {
        points: {
        lines: {
    data: {
        regions: [
            [ "RegionsColumn1Value1", "RegionsColumn2Value1",
            [ "RegionsColumn1Value2", "RegionsColumn2Value2",
            [ "RegionsColumn1Value3", "RegionsColumn2Value3",
        regions_geometry: [
            [ "Regions_geometryColumn1Value1", "Regions_geometryColumn2Value1",
            [ "Regions_geometryColumn1Value2", "Regions_geometryColumn2Value2",
            [ "Regions_geometryColumn1Value3", "Regions_geometryColumn2Value3",
        points: [
            [ "PointsColumn1Value1", "PointsColumn2Value1",
            [ "PointsColumn1Value2", "PointsColumn2Value2",
            [ "PointsColumn1Value3", "PointsColumn2Value3",
        lines: [
            [ "LinesColumn1Value1", "LinesColumn2Value1",
            [ "LinesColumn1Value2", "LinesColumn2Value2",
            [ "LinesColumn1Value3", "LinesColumn2Value3",

All possible bindings that you can supply are shown in this example:

    template: "@flourish/projection-map",
    version: "14",
    bindings: {
        regions: {
            id: 0, // index of a column in your data
            name: 1, // index of a column in your data
            label: 2, // index of a column in your data
            value: [3, 4, ...], // index(es) of column(s) in your data
            group: 5, // index of a column in your data
            metadata: [6, 7, ...], // index(es) of column(s) in your data
        regions_geometry: {
            geometry: 0, // index of a column in your data
            id: [1, 2, ...], // index(es) of column(s) in your data
        points: {
            name: 0, // index of a column in your data
            lon: 1, // index of a column in your data
            lat: 2, // index of a column in your data
            color: 3, // index of a column in your data
            value: [4, 5, ...], // index(es) of column(s) in your data
            metadata: [6, 7, ...], // index(es) of column(s) in your data
        lines: {
            geometry: 0, // index of a column in your data
            series: 1, // index of a column in your data
    data: {
        regions: [
            [ "RegionsColumn1Value1", "RegionsColumn2Value1",
            [ "RegionsColumn1Value2", "RegionsColumn2Value2",
            [ "RegionsColumn1Value3", "RegionsColumn2Value3",
        regions_geometry: [
            [ "Regions_geometryColumn1Value1", "Regions_geometryColumn2Value1",
            [ "Regions_geometryColumn1Value2", "Regions_geometryColumn2Value2",
            [ "Regions_geometryColumn1Value3", "Regions_geometryColumn2Value3",
        points: [
            [ "PointsColumn1Value1", "PointsColumn2Value1",
            [ "PointsColumn1Value2", "PointsColumn2Value2",
            [ "PointsColumn1Value3", "PointsColumn2Value3",
        lines: [
            [ "LinesColumn1Value1", "LinesColumn2Value1",
            [ "LinesColumn1Value2", "LinesColumn2Value2",
            [ "LinesColumn1Value3", "LinesColumn2Value3",

2. Array of objects with arbitrary keys, and a bindings object

This format is most likely useful when you have data from an external source, such as CSV data loaded from d3-dsv. You should supply this attached to the, which might look like:

        regions: [
            { "RegionsHeader1": ..., "RegionsHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "RegionsHeader1": ..., "RegionsHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "RegionsHeader1": ..., "RegionsHeader2": ..., ... },
        regions_geometry: [
            { "Regions_geometryHeader1": ..., "Regions_geometryHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "Regions_geometryHeader1": ..., "Regions_geometryHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "Regions_geometryHeader1": ..., "Regions_geometryHeader2": ..., ... },
        points: [
            { "PointsHeader1": ..., "PointsHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "PointsHeader1": ..., "PointsHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "PointsHeader1": ..., "PointsHeader2": ..., ... },
        lines: [
            { "LinesHeader1": ..., "LinesHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "LinesHeader1": ..., "LinesHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "LinesHeader1": ..., "LinesHeader2": ..., ... },

... but with the keys being the column headers from your source data instead. You must also supply an object attached to opts.bindings. The minimal bindings you can supply for this template are as shown in this example:

    template: "@flourish/projection-map",
    version: "14",
    bindings: {
        regions: {
        regions_geometry: {
        points: {
        lines: {
    data: {
        regions: [
            { "RegionsHeader1": ..., "RegionsHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "RegionsHeader1": ..., "RegionsHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "RegionsHeader1": ..., "RegionsHeader2": ..., ... },
        regions_geometry: [
            { "Regions_geometryHeader1": ..., "Regions_geometryHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "Regions_geometryHeader1": ..., "Regions_geometryHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "Regions_geometryHeader1": ..., "Regions_geometryHeader2": ..., ... },
        points: [
            { "PointsHeader1": ..., "PointsHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "PointsHeader1": ..., "PointsHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "PointsHeader1": ..., "PointsHeader2": ..., ... },
        lines: [
            { "LinesHeader1": ..., "LinesHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "LinesHeader1": ..., "LinesHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "LinesHeader1": ..., "LinesHeader2": ..., ... },

All possible bindings that you can supply are shown in this example:

    template: "@flourish/projection-map",
    version: "14",
    bindings: {
        regions: {
            id: "RegionsHeader1",
            name: "RegionsHeader2",
            label: "RegionsHeader3",
            value: ["RegionsHeader4", "RegionsHeader5", ...],
            group: "RegionsHeader6",
            metadata: ["RegionsHeader7", "RegionsHeader8", ...],
        regions_geometry: {
            geometry: "Regions_geometryHeader1",
            id: ["Regions_geometryHeader2", "Regions_geometryHeader3", ...],
        points: {
            name: "PointsHeader1",
            lon: "PointsHeader2",
            lat: "PointsHeader3",
            color: "PointsHeader4",
            value: ["PointsHeader5", "PointsHeader6", ...],
            metadata: ["PointsHeader7", "PointsHeader8", ...],
        lines: {
            geometry: "LinesHeader1",
            series: "LinesHeader2",
    data: {
        regions: [
            { "RegionsHeader1": ..., "RegionsHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "RegionsHeader1": ..., "RegionsHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "RegionsHeader1": ..., "RegionsHeader2": ..., ... },
        regions_geometry: [
            { "Regions_geometryHeader1": ..., "Regions_geometryHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "Regions_geometryHeader1": ..., "Regions_geometryHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "Regions_geometryHeader1": ..., "Regions_geometryHeader2": ..., ... },
        points: [
            { "PointsHeader1": ..., "PointsHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "PointsHeader1": ..., "PointsHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "PointsHeader1": ..., "PointsHeader2": ..., ... },
        lines: [
            { "LinesHeader1": ..., "LinesHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "LinesHeader1": ..., "LinesHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "LinesHeader1": ..., "LinesHeader2": ..., ... },

(As before, the keys containing "Header" would be replaced by column names from your data source.)

3. Array of objects with template-defined keys

There is an alternative format you can use, which is likely to be easier to use if your data is not from a spreadsheet source. With this alternative format you supply your data to the template as an array of objects, attached to, where the keys must be those used by the template, as documented below. In this case there is no need to supply a bindings object, since the key names are already those expected by the template. The required properties in the data object are as follows (scroll down for a description of what each property is):

    template: "@flourish/projection-map",
    version: "14",
    data: {
    regions: [
            value: [...],
            metadata: [...]
    regions_geometry: [
            id: [...]
    points: [
            value: [...],
            metadata: [...]

And the full list of all possible properties is as follows:

    template: "@flourish/projection-map",
    version: "14",
    data: {
    regions: [
            id: ...,
            name: ...,
            label: ...,
            value: [...],
            group: ...,
            metadata: [...]
    regions_geometry: [
            geometry: ...,
            id: [...]
    points: [
            name: ...,
            lon: ...,
            lat: ...,
            color: ...,
            value: [...],
            metadata: [...]
    lines: [
            geometry: ...,
            series: ...

Meanings of the template data keys:

  • Unique ID for joining boundary data. This column must contain values that match "ID to match" values in the "Regions geometry" sheet. string, number
  • The name that appears in popups and panels. string
  • regions.label: The name that appears in region labels on the map. string
  • regions.value: One or more values or categories to color your regions by. If this column is numeric, your regions will be shaded with a sequential or diverging scale. If it's categorical, your regions will be shaded with a categorical scale. string, number
  • Draw borders around groups of regions, e.g. state borders around counties. string, number
  • regions.metadata: One or more columns of information to include in popups and panels. string, number, datetime
  • regions_geometry.geometry: GeoJSON geometry that describe a boundary (typically geometry type will be MultiPolygon or Polygon). string
  • One or more columns containing unique IDs for joining boundary data. This column must contain values that match "ID" values in the "Regions" sheet. string, number
  • name string
  • points.lon: Longitude for each point, specified in decimal degrees. number
  • Latitude for each point, specified in decimal degrees. number
  • points.color: color string
  • points.value: Select multiple columns to add a filter that lets you switch between different metrics number
  • points.metadata: One or more columns of information to include in popups and panels. string, number, datetime
  • lines.geometry: GeoJSON geometry that describe a line (typically geometry type will be Polyline). string
  • lines.series: Values in the selected column can be used to define specific color and line styles in the settings panel. string, number

Template metadata

Note: metadata is optional, and the API will interpret your data for you if you do not specify it. A typical example of when specifying metadata can be useful is when column(s) in your data contain numbers or dates that you wish to format visually (e.g. to display a column containing MM/DD/YYYY dates in DD/MM/YYYY format).

This template supports an optional metadata property. metadata informs the template what type of data is in each of your columns, and how that data should be formatted visually.

You can specify metadata in one of three formats, depending on the format of

1. Array of objects with column indexes as keys

You should supply metadata in this format when is in the previously described 'array of arrays' format. In this case, metadata should be an object with column index: column type object key/value pairs (column type objects must have type, type_id, and output_format_id keys, documented below):

    template: "@flourish/projection-map",
    version: "14",
    data: {
        regions: [
            [ "RegionsColumn1Value1", "RegionsColumn2Value1",
            [ "RegionsColumn1Value2", "RegionsColumn2Value2",
            [ "RegionsColumn1Value3", "RegionsColumn2Value3",
        regions_geometry: [
            [ "Regions_geometryColumn1Value1", "Regions_geometryColumn2Value1",
            [ "Regions_geometryColumn1Value2", "Regions_geometryColumn2Value2",
            [ "Regions_geometryColumn1Value3", "Regions_geometryColumn2Value3",
        points: [
            [ "PointsColumn1Value1", "PointsColumn2Value1",
            [ "PointsColumn1Value2", "PointsColumn2Value2",
            [ "PointsColumn1Value3", "PointsColumn2Value3",
        lines: [
            [ "LinesColumn1Value1", "LinesColumn2Value1",
            [ "LinesColumn1Value2", "LinesColumn2Value2",
            [ "LinesColumn1Value3", "LinesColumn2Value3",
    metadata: {
        regions: {
            0: { type: ..., type_id: ..., output_format_id: ... },
            1: { type: ..., type_id: ..., output_format_id: ... },

2. Array of objects with column headers as keys

You should supply metadata in this format when is in the previously described 'array of objects with arbitrary keys' format. In this case, metadata should be an object with column header: column type object key/value pairs (column type objects must have type, type_id, and output_format_id keys, documented below):

    template: "@flourish/projection-map",
    version: "14",
    data: {
        regions: [
            { "RegionsHeader1": ..., "RegionsHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "RegionsHeader1": ..., "RegionsHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "RegionsHeader1": ..., "RegionsHeader2": ..., ... },
        regions_geometry: [
            { "Regions_geometryHeader1": ..., "Regions_geometryHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "Regions_geometryHeader1": ..., "Regions_geometryHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "Regions_geometryHeader1": ..., "Regions_geometryHeader2": ..., ... },
        points: [
            { "PointsHeader1": ..., "PointsHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "PointsHeader1": ..., "PointsHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "PointsHeader1": ..., "PointsHeader2": ..., ... },
        lines: [
            { "LinesHeader1": ..., "LinesHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "LinesHeader1": ..., "LinesHeader2": ..., ... },
            { "LinesHeader1": ..., "LinesHeader2": ..., ... },
    metadata: {
        regions: {
            "RegionsHeader1": { type: ..., type_id: ..., output_format_id: ... },
            "RegionsHeader2": { type: ..., type_id: ..., output_format_id: ... },

Column type objects:

Column type objects tell the API what type of data is in a column:

    type: "number", // options also include 'string', and 'datetime'
    type_id: "number$comma_point", // numbers in the format 13,429.17
    output_format_id: "number$space_comma", // numbers in the format 13 429,17

For more information on valid column type values, see Recognized Type Formats.

Template settings

Options for opts.state.


projection string


Allowed values:

  • Albers (30° & 45°)
  • Albers USA
  • August
  • Azimuthal Equidistant
  • Aitoff
  • Baker
  • Boggs
  • Braun's Stereographic
  • Bromley
  • Craster Parabolic
  • Eckert I
  • Eckert II
  • Eckert III
  • Eckert IV
  • Eckert V
  • Eckert VI
  • Eisenlohr
  • Equirectangular
  • Fahey
  • Foucaut
  • Ginzburg IV
  • Ginzburg V
  • Ginzburg VI
  • Ginzburg VIII
  • Ginzburg IX
  • Gnomonic
  • Hammer
  • Kavrayskiy VII
  • McBryde–Thomas Flat-Polar Parabolic
  • McBryde–Thomas Flat-Polar Quartic
  • McBryde–Thomas Flat-Polar Sinusoidal
  • Miller (modified Mercator)
  • Mollweide
  • Natural Earth I
  • Natural Earth II
  • Orthographic
  • Portugal composite
  • Robinson
  • Sinusoidal
  • Spain composite
  • Stereographic
  • Wagner IV
  • Wagner VI
  • Winkel Tripel

fit string


Allowed values:

  • map (Auto)
  • world (World)
  • advanced (Advanced)

centering string

Allowed values:

  • rotate (Rotate projection)
  • center (Translate map)

min_area number

Minimum area. In km². Polygons representing areas below this size won't be considered when fitting the map. Setting is ignored if no polygons are bigger than the specified minimum area.

include_lines boolean

Include lines data. Include lines when calculating the bounds of the map

Allowed values:

  • true (Yes)
  • false (No)

longitude number

Centre long..

latitude number

Centre lat..

roll number


zoom number

Zoom. 1 to show whole world, > 1 to zoom in.

aspect number

Aspect ratio. Width divided by height. If left blank will use aspect ratio of projection for whole world.

padding_top number

Top. Padding added to top of map (as a percentage of container width)

Max: 25

padding_bottom number

Bottom. Padding added to bottom of map (as a percentage of container width)

Max: 25

padding_left number

Left. Padding added to left of map (as a percentage of container width)

Max: 25

padding_right number

Right. Padding added to right of map (as a percentage of container width)

Max: 25

Regions layer

map_show boolean

Allowed values:

  • true (Enabled)
  • false (Disabled)

map_fill color

Fill. Ignored for regions with values.

map_fill_opacity number

Fill opacity.

Max: 1

map_include_all_region_geometry boolean

Include all region geometry. If true, all the regions in the 'Regions geometry' sheet is included in the map. Otherwise only the geometry joined to regions in the 'Regions' sheet is included.

map_show_stroke boolean

Allowed values:

  • true (On)
  • false (Off)

map_stroke color


map_stroke_width number


Max: 5

map_stroke_opacity number


Max: 1

map_highlight_stroke_inner color

Inner stroke.

map_highlight_stroke_outer color

Outer stroke.

map_highlight_stroke_width number

Stroke width.

Max: 5

map_colors.categorical_palette colors


map_colors.categorical_extend boolean

Extend. Automatically generate additional colours when needed to avoid the palette colours being used more than once

map_colors.categorical_custom_palette text

Custom overrides. Enter the label name for which you wish to set the color, followed by a colon and the desired color value. <br><br><a href=",delete%20and%20add%20new%20colors">Colors can be set</a> using Hex, RGB, color names or RGBA, if you want to set the <a href="">opacity</a>. Multiple colors can be set using multiple lines. For example: <br /><hr />Party 1: red <br />Party 2: #4455AA <br />Party 3: rgb(30,168,26)

map_colors.numeric_type string

Scale type.

Allowed values:

  • sequential (Sequential)
  • diverging (Diverging)

map_colors.binning boolean

In <b>linear</b> mode, the color scale will run as a smooth gradient between 2 colors. In <b>binned</b> mode, the gradient will be divided in smaller blocks.

Allowed values:

  • false (Linear)
  • true (Binned)

map_colors.bin_mode string

Binning mode.

Allowed values:

  • fixed (Fixed width)
  • quantile (Quantile)
  • custom (Custom thresholds)

map_colors.bin_count number

Number of bins.

map_colors.bin_thresholds string

Custom thresholds. Enter your desired thresholds, separating them with a ";". For instance, "5;10;15". <br><br>Bins form as follows: <ul> <li>From the data's minimum value (domain minimum) up to the first threshold.</li> <li>Between consecutive thresholds.</li> <li>From the last threshold to the data's maximum value (domain maximum).</li> <ul> </br>For "5;10;15", you'll get four bins based on your data's range.

map_colors.sequential_palette string


Allowed values:

  • Oranges (Oranges)
  • Reds (Reds)
  • Blues (Blues)
  • Greens (Greens)
  • Greys (Greys)
  • Purples (Purples)
  • Viridis (Viridis)
  • Inferno (Inferno)
  • Magma (Magma)
  • Plasma (Plasma)
  • Warm (Warm)
  • Cool (Cool)
  • CubehelixDefault (Cubehelix)
  • BuGn (Blue/Green)
  • BuPu (Blue/Purple)
  • GnBu (Green/Blue)
  • OrRd (Orange/Red)
  • PuBuGn (Purple/Blue/Green)
  • PuBu (Purple/Blue)
  • PuRd (Purple/Red)
  • RdPu (Red/Purple)
  • YlGnBu (Yellow/Blue/Green)
  • YlGn (Yellow/Green)
  • YlOrBr (Yellow/Orange/Brown)
  • YlOrRd (Yellow/Orange/Red)
  • Carrots
  • Custom

map_colors.sequential_reverse boolean


map_colors.sequential_custom_min color

Minimum color.

map_colors.sequential_custom_max color

Maximum color.

map_colors.sequential_color_space string

Color space.

Allowed values:

  • rgb (RGB)
  • lab (LAB)
  • hcl (HCL)
  • hsl (HSL)

map_colors.sequential_custom_domain boolean


Allowed values:

  • false (Auto)
  • true (Custom)

map_colors.sequential_domain_min number


map_colors.sequential_domain_max number


map_colors.diverging_palette string


Allowed values:

  • RdBu (Red/Blue)
  • RdYlGn (Red/Yellow/Green)
  • PiYG (Pink/Yellow/Green)
  • BrBG (Brown/Blue/Green)
  • PRGn (Purple/Red/Green)
  • PuOr (Purple/Orange)
  • RdGy (Red/Grey)
  • RdYlBu (Red/Yellow/Blue)
  • Spectral (Spectral)
  • Custom

map_colors.diverging_reverse boolean


map_colors.diverging_custom_min color

Minimum color.

map_colors.diverging_custom_mid color

Midpoint color.

map_colors.diverging_custom_max color

Maximum color.

map_colors.diverging_color_space string

Color space.

Allowed values:

  • rgb (RGB)
  • lab (LAB)
  • hcl (HCL)
  • hsl (HSL)

map_colors.diverging_custom_domain boolean


Allowed values:

  • false (Auto)
  • true (Custom)

map_colors.diverging_domain_min number


map_colors.diverging_domain_mid number


map_colors.diverging_domain_max number


choropleth_scale_per_column boolean

Base default scale on:. Determines whether or not to update the default colour scale when switching between Value columns. Note that any non-default scale settings (such as custom bin thresholds) will always apply across all columns.

Allowed values:

  • false (All columns)
  • true (Current column)

choropleth_missing_values string

Action. How to represent region geometry without an associated row in the Regions sheet (or without a value if the value binding is active)

Allowed values:

  • fill (Use Fill colour)
  • transparent (Make region transparent)
  • hide (Hide region)
  • pattern (Use a pattern)

missing_pattern_opacity number

Opacity. This value is multiplied by the Fill opacity value.

Max: 1

missing_pattern_size number

Square size.

Min: 1

Max: 20

missing_pattern_color_1 color

Colour 1.

missing_pattern_color_2 color

Colour 2.

map_formatting.prefix string

Prefix. <a href="">Text</a> to place in front of a number

map_formatting.suffix string

Suffix. <a href="">Text</a> to place after a number

map_formatting.n_dec number

Decimal places. Decimal places. You can also enter a negative integer to <a href="">round to a whole number</a> with that many zeros. For example, -2 will round to the nearest hundred.

Min: -10

Max: 10

map_formatting.advanced boolean


map_formatting.negative_sign string

Styling of negative numbers.

Allowed values:

  • -$nk (-$100k)
  • $-nk ($-100k)
  • ($nk) (($100k))
  • $(n)k ($(100)k)
  • none ($100k)

map_formatting.strip_zeros boolean

Remove trailing zeros.

map_formatting.strip_separator boolean

Hide thousands separator below 10,000. Turn off if you want four-digit numbers to include a separator, e.g. “1,234” rather than “1234”.

map_formatting.transform_labels boolean

Multiply/divide values.

map_formatting.transform string

Allowed values:

  • multiply (Multiply by)
  • divide (Divide by)
  • exponentiate (×10 to the power of)

map_formatting.multiply_divide_constant number

map_formatting.exponentiate_constant number

map_shadow boolean

Add shadow.

map_shadow_offset_x number

Horizontal offset.

map_shadow_offset_y number

Vertical offset.

map_shadow_blur number


map_shadow_color color


map_shadow_opacity number


Max: 1

map_show_labels boolean

Show labels.

map_label_opacity number


Max: 1

map_label_color color


map_label_outline_color color

Outline color. The color of the label outline.

map_label_size number

Font size. Label size (as a percentage of the base font size)

map_label_outline_width number

Outline width (%). Width of label outline (as a percentage of font size).

Max: 50

map_label_upper_case boolean

Uppercase labels.

map_label_bold boolean

Bold labels.

map_label_priority_list text

Label priority. Specify the prority with which labels should be drawn. For example:<br /><hr />Italy<br />Germany<br />Puerto Rico

map_label_hide_list text

Hide labels. Specify labels which should be hidden. For example:<br /><hr />France<br />Spain<br />United Kingdom

map_hide_non_prioritized_labels boolean

Only show labels on 'Label priority' list. If true, only the labels on the priority list will be drawn.

map_label_spacing number

Spacing (%). Specify the space to leave around each label as a percentage of font size. Increase this setting to reduce label overcrowding.

Max: 100

Points layer

point_show boolean

Allowed values:

  • true (Enabled)
  • false (Disabled)

point_symbol_type string


Allowed values:

  • circle (Circle)
  • spike (Spike)
  • arrow (Arrow)

point_circle_min_radius number

Minimum radius. Any smaller circles will be scaled up to the specified level. (Ignored if greater than the “Maximum radius” setting.)

point_circle_max_radius number

Maximum radius.

point_spike_max_height number

Maximum height.

point_spike_default_height number


point_spike_base_width number

Base width. Width of spike at base (in pixels, when chart width is 960px)

point_arrow_angle number

Arrow angle. Clockwise angle of positive arrows (in degrees from 12 o'clock). Negative angle arrows are calculated according to the arrow flip mode

Max: 180

point_arrow_min_length number

Minimum length. Minimum length of arrows (in pixels, when chart width is 960px)

point_arrow_max_length number

Maximum length. Maximum length of arrows (in pixels, when chart width is 960px)

Min: 1

point_arrow_flip_mode string

Arrow flip mode. The direction in which negative valued arrows are flipped. e.g. flipped vertically a 60 degree arrow becomes -60 degrees, flipped horizontally it becomes 120

Allowed values:

  • vertically (Vertically)
  • horizontally (Horizontally)

point_max_value number

Maximum value. Values bigger than this maximum will have a radius/height/length equal to the maximum radius/height/length. Leave blank to use the maximum in the dataset

point_circle_default_radius number


point_opacity number

Fill opacity.

Max: 1

point_fill color

Default fill.

point_stroke_width number

Stroke width.

point_stroke_opacity number

Stroke opacity.

Max: 1

point_stroke_custom boolean

Custom stroke.

point_stroke_color color

Stroke color.

point_overlap_stroke_color color

Overlap stroke color. An additional stroke around arrow symbols which appears when fill opacity is set to 1. This helps users differentiate arrows when they overlap

point_scale_per_column boolean

Base default scale on:. Determines whether or not to update the default size scale when switching between Value columns.

Allowed values:

  • false (All columns)
  • true (Current column)

point_highlight_stroke_inner color

Inner stroke.

point_highlight_stroke_outer color

Outer stroke.

point_highlight_stroke_width number

Stroke width.

point_highlight_fill_opacity number

Fill opacity.

Max: 1

point_highlight_fill_custom boolean

Custom fill.

point_highlight_fill color

Fill color.

point_arrow_color_by_value boolean

Color by value. Color arrows by whether their value is positive or negative

point_colors.categorical_palette colors


point_colors.categorical_extend boolean

Extend. Automatically generate additional colours when needed to avoid the palette colours being used more than once

point_colors.categorical_custom_palette text

Custom overrides. Enter the label name for which you wish to set the color, followed by a colon and the desired color value. <br><br><a href=",delete%20and%20add%20new%20colors">Colors can be set</a> using Hex, RGB, color names or RGBA, if you want to set the <a href="">opacity</a>. Multiple colors can be set using multiple lines. For example: <br /><hr />Party 1: red <br />Party 2: #4455AA <br />Party 3: rgb(30,168,26)

point_colors.numeric_type string

Scale type.

Allowed values:

  • sequential (Sequential)
  • diverging (Diverging)

point_colors.binning boolean

In <b>linear</b> mode, the color scale will run as a smooth gradient between 2 colors. In <b>binned</b> mode, the gradient will be divided in smaller blocks.

Allowed values:

  • false (Linear)
  • true (Binned)

point_colors.bin_mode string

Binning mode.

Allowed values:

  • fixed (Fixed width)
  • quantile (Quantile)
  • custom (Custom thresholds)

point_colors.bin_count number

Number of bins.

point_colors.bin_thresholds string

Custom thresholds. Enter your desired thresholds, separating them with a ";". For instance, "5;10;15". <br><br>Bins form as follows: <ul> <li>From the data's minimum value (domain minimum) up to the first threshold.</li> <li>Between consecutive thresholds.</li> <li>From the last threshold to the data's maximum value (domain maximum).</li> <ul> </br>For "5;10;15", you'll get four bins based on your data's range.

point_colors.sequential_palette string


Allowed values:

  • Oranges (Oranges)
  • Reds (Reds)
  • Blues (Blues)
  • Greens (Greens)
  • Greys (Greys)
  • Purples (Purples)
  • Viridis (Viridis)
  • Inferno (Inferno)
  • Magma (Magma)
  • Plasma (Plasma)
  • Warm (Warm)
  • Cool (Cool)
  • CubehelixDefault (Cubehelix)
  • BuGn (Blue/Green)
  • BuPu (Blue/Purple)
  • GnBu (Green/Blue)
  • OrRd (Orange/Red)
  • PuBuGn (Purple/Blue/Green)
  • PuBu (Purple/Blue)
  • PuRd (Purple/Red)
  • RdPu (Red/Purple)
  • YlGnBu (Yellow/Blue/Green)
  • YlGn (Yellow/Green)
  • YlOrBr (Yellow/Orange/Brown)
  • YlOrRd (Yellow/Orange/Red)
  • Carrots
  • Custom

point_colors.sequential_reverse boolean


point_colors.sequential_custom_min color

Minimum color.

point_colors.sequential_custom_max color

Maximum color.

point_colors.sequential_color_space string

Color space.

Allowed values:

  • rgb (RGB)
  • lab (LAB)
  • hcl (HCL)
  • hsl (HSL)

point_colors.sequential_custom_domain boolean


Allowed values:

  • false (Auto)
  • true (Custom)

point_colors.sequential_domain_min number


point_colors.sequential_domain_max number


point_colors.diverging_palette string


Allowed values:

  • RdBu (Red/Blue)
  • RdYlGn (Red/Yellow/Green)
  • PiYG (Pink/Yellow/Green)
  • BrBG (Brown/Blue/Green)
  • PRGn (Purple/Red/Green)
  • PuOr (Purple/Orange)
  • RdGy (Red/Grey)
  • RdYlBu (Red/Yellow/Blue)
  • Spectral (Spectral)
  • Custom

point_colors.diverging_reverse boolean


point_colors.diverging_custom_min color

Minimum color.

point_colors.diverging_custom_mid color

Midpoint color.

point_colors.diverging_custom_max color

Maximum color.

point_colors.diverging_color_space string

Color space.

Allowed values:

  • rgb (RGB)
  • lab (LAB)
  • hcl (HCL)
  • hsl (HSL)

point_colors.diverging_custom_domain boolean


Allowed values:

  • false (Auto)
  • true (Custom)

point_colors.diverging_domain_min number


point_colors.diverging_domain_mid number


point_colors.diverging_domain_max number


point_arrow_positive_color color

Positive color.

point_arrow_negative_color color

Negative color.

point_sort boolean

Place smaller points above. If checked the smallest points are drawn last so they're always visible and hoverable. If not checked then points at the top of the data sheet are drawn first

point_formatting.prefix string

Prefix. <a href="">Text</a> to place in front of a number

point_formatting.suffix string

Suffix. <a href="">Text</a> to place after a number

point_formatting.n_dec number

Decimal places. Decimal places. You can also enter a negative integer to <a href="">round to a whole number</a> with that many zeros. For example, -2 will round to the nearest hundred.

Min: -10

Max: 10

point_formatting.advanced boolean


point_formatting.negative_sign string

Styling of negative numbers.

Allowed values:

  • -$nk (-$100k)
  • $-nk ($-100k)
  • ($nk) (($100k))
  • $(n)k ($(100)k)
  • none ($100k)

point_formatting.strip_zeros boolean

Remove trailing zeros.

point_formatting.strip_separator boolean

Hide thousands separator below 10,000. Turn off if you want four-digit numbers to include a separator, e.g. “1,234” rather than “1234”.

point_formatting.transform_labels boolean

Multiply/divide values.

point_formatting.transform string

Allowed values:

  • multiply (Multiply by)
  • divide (Divide by)
  • exponentiate (×10 to the power of)

point_formatting.multiply_divide_constant number

point_formatting.exponentiate_constant number

Lines layer

line_above_highlights boolean

Layer position.

Allowed values:

  • false (Below region highlights)
  • true (Above region highlights)

line_stroke_color color


line_stroke_color_overrides text

Overrides. Type the name of the series whose colour you want to set, a colon and then a color (using a name, hex-code or rgb declaration). Multiple colors can be set using multiple lines. For example:<br /><hr />Rivers: blue<br />Borders: #444444

line_stroke_width number


Max: 5

line_stroke_width_overrides text

Overrides. Type the name of the series whose width you want to set, a colon and then a number between 0 and 5. Multiple widths can be set using multiple lines. For example:<br /><hr />Rivers: 0.5<br />Borders: 2

line_stroke_opacity number


Max: 1

line_stroke_opacity_overrides text

Overrides. Type the name of the series whose opacity you want to set, a colon and then a number between 0 and 1. Multiple opacities can be set using multiple lines. For example:<br /><hr />Rivers: 0.5<br />Borders: 1

line_stroke_dash string


Allowed values:

  • solid (Solid)
  • long (Long)
  • short (Short)
  • mixed (Mixed)

line_stroke_dash_overrides text

Overrides. Type the name of the series whose line-dash style you want to set, a colon and then a line-dash style (“solid”, “long”, “short“ or “mixed”). Multiple line-dash styles can be set using multiple lines. For example:<br /><hr />Rivers: solid<br />Borders: long

Region groups layer

group_quantization_precision number

Boundary precision. Larger values will give smoother boundaries but may highlight small topological errors

Min: 1

Max: 6

group_above_highlights boolean

Keeps above region highlights.

group_stroke_color color


group_stroke_width number


Max: 5

group_stroke_opacity number


Max: 1

Globe & graticule layers

graticule_show boolean

Graticule layer.

Allowed values:

  • true (Enabled)
  • false (Disabled)

graticule_color color


graticule_width number


Max: 5

graticule_opacity number


Max: 1

graticule_separation_longitude number

Longitude separation (°).

Min: 1

Max: 180

graticule_separation_latitude number

Latitude separation (°).

Min: 1

Max: 90

globe_show boolean

Globe layer.

Allowed values:

  • true (Enabled)
  • false (Disabled)

globe_color color

Globe colour.


controls_container.alignment string


Allowed values:

  • start (fa-align-left)
  • center (fa-align-center)
  • end (fa-align-right)

controls_container.controls_spacing number

Spacing. The space between controls, like dropdowns and adjacent button sets, in <a href="">em</a> units.

Max: 5

region_controls.control_type string

Control type. Choose between a <b>dropdown</b>, <b>buttons</b> or a <a href=""><b>time slider</b></a>.

Allowed values:

  • slider ()

region_controls.control_styles boolean


region_controls.control_title string

Control title.

region_controls.button_group boolean


Allowed values:

  • true (On)
  • false (Off)

region_controls.button_group_width_mode string

Button group width.

Allowed values:

  • auto (Auto)
  • full (Full)
  • fixed (Fixed)

region_controls.button_group_width_fixed number


Max: 100

region_controls.dropdown_width_mode string

Dropdown width.

Allowed values:

  • auto (Auto)
  • full (Full)
  • fixed (Fixed)

region_controls.dropdown_width_fixed number


Max: 100

region_controls.slider_width number

Slider width. Width of the slider track in <a href="">rems</a>

Max: 100

region_controls.slider_max_label_width number

Max label width. In <a href="">rems</a>, multiples of base font size. If larger than the longest label, only the space required to fit labels will be used.

Max: 100

region_controls.slider_step_time number

Time between steps. Measured in seconds, positive values move the slider left to right, negative values move the slider right to left.

Min: -100

Max: 100

region_controls.slider_loop boolean


region_controls.slider_restart_pause number

Pause before loop. Measured in seconds and in addition to the regular step time displayed above

Max: 100

region_controls.sort boolean


Allowed values:

  • true (On)
  • false (Off)

point_controls.control_type string

Control type. Choose between a <b>dropdown</b>, <b>buttons</b> or a <a href=""><b>time slider</b></a>.

Allowed values:

  • slider ()

point_controls.control_styles boolean


point_controls.control_title string

Control title.

point_controls.button_group boolean


Allowed values:

  • true (On)
  • false (Off)

point_controls.button_group_width_mode string

Button group width.

Allowed values:

  • auto (Auto)
  • full (Full)
  • fixed (Fixed)

point_controls.button_group_width_fixed number


Max: 100

point_controls.dropdown_width_mode string

Dropdown width.

Allowed values:

  • auto (Auto)
  • full (Full)
  • fixed (Fixed)

point_controls.dropdown_width_fixed number


Max: 100

point_controls.slider_width number

Slider width. Width of the slider track in <a href="">rems</a>

Max: 100

point_controls.slider_max_label_width number

Max label width. In <a href="">rems</a>, multiples of base font size. If larger than the longest label, only the space required to fit labels will be used.

Max: 100

point_controls.slider_step_time number

Time between steps. Measured in seconds, positive values move the slider left to right, negative values move the slider right to left.

Min: -100

Max: 100

point_controls.slider_loop boolean


point_controls.slider_restart_pause number

Pause before loop. Measured in seconds and in addition to the regular step time displayed above

Max: 100

point_controls.sort boolean


Allowed values:

  • true (On)
  • false (Off)

controls_style.font_size number

Text size.

Max: 5

controls_style.font_weight string

Text weight.

Allowed values:

  • bold (Bold)
  • normal (Normal)

controls_style.height number


Max: 5


Text color.

Dropdown border styles.

Border style. Show border on all sides, or only at the bottom

Allowed values:

  • all (All sides)
  • bottom (Bottom)

Border width.

Max: 20



Max: 1


Max: 100

button_style.background color


button_style.background_selected color


button_style.background_hover color

Mouse over.

button_style.font_color color

Text color.

button_style.font_color_selected color


button_style.font_color_hover color

Mouse over.

button_style.button_styles_advanced boolean

Button border styles.

button_style.border_width number

Border width.

Max: 20

button_style.border_color color


button_style.border_transparency number


Max: 1

button_style.border_radius number


Max: 100

slider_style.track_color color


slider_style.font_color color


slider_style.handle_color color


slider_style.play_color color


slider_style.track_height number

Track height.

Max: 1

slider_style.handle_height number


Max: 10

slider_style.play_button boolean

Play button.

Popups & panels

point_popup.mode string

Allowed values:

  • none (None)
  • popup (Popup)
  • panel (Panel)
  • both (Both)

point_popup.popup_is_custom boolean

Popup content.

Allowed values:

  • false (Auto)
  • true (Custom)

point_popup.show_popup_styles boolean

Show popup styles.

point_popup.popup_custom_header html

Popup custom header. Use {{column_name}} to add a <a href="">value from your data</a>. Ensure the column is selected, or add it to <b>Info for popups</b> for popup use. <br><br>Advanced users can add <a href="">HTML</a> styling or <a href="">add category colors</a> to popup headers. <br><br>To <a href="">hide parts of the popup</a> when a column is empty using <pre>{{#if column_name}}Content for non-empty column_name{{/if}}.</pre> For example: <pre>{{#if Capital name}}Capital:{{/if}} {{Capital name}}.</pre> Here, the word "Capital:" will only show if the corresponding cell in the "Capital name" column is not empty.

point_popup.popup_custom_main html

Popup custom main content. Use {{column_name}} to add a <a href="">value from your data</a>. Ensure the column is selected, or add it to <b>Info for popups</b> for popup use. <br><br>Advanced users can add <a href="">HTML</a> for designs, styles, and images. <br><br>To<a href=""> hide parts of the popup</a> when a column is empty use the syntax <pre>{{#if column_name}}Content for non-empty column_name{{/if}}.</pre> For example: <pre>{{#if Capital name}}Capital:{{/if}} {{Capital name}}.</pre> Here, the word "Capital:" will only show if the corresponding cell in the "Capital name" column is not empty.

point_popup.popup_custom_accessible text

Popup custom accessible content. A text alternative to visual custom popup content that will be read out by screenreaders. This content is added as an <code>aria-label</code> attribute to data point elements. You can still use {{column_name}} to add values from your data, but do not use HTML. For example: <code>{Name}}, Population: {{Population}}, GDP: {{GDP}}</code> If left empty, accessible content will fallback to the default popup content.

point_popup.popup_width number

Max width. In <a href="">rems</a>, multiples of base font size. Leave blank to let the width adjust based on the contents.

point_popup.popup_font_size number

Text size.

point_popup.popup_text_color color

Text color.

point_popup.popup_align string


Allowed values:

  • start (fa-align-left)
  • center (fa-align-center)
  • end (fa-align-right)

point_popup.popup_background color

Fill color.

point_popup.popup_background_opacity number

Fill opacity.

Max: 1

point_popup.popup_padding number


point_popup.popup_radius number

Radius. Corner radius of popup

point_popup.popup_header_type string

Header style.

Allowed values:

  • block (Header block)
  • inline (Header inline)

point_popup.popup_header_background color


point_popup.popup_header_text_color color


point_popup.popup_list_type string

List type.

Allowed values:

  • table (fa-table)
  • ul (fa-list)

point_popup.popup_list_label_weight string

Label weight.

Allowed values:

  • normal (Normal)
  • bold (Bold)

point_popup.popup_list_separator string

List separator.

Predefined values:

  • : (:)
  • (–)
  • (Empty space)
  • <br /> (Line break)

point_popup.popup_shadow boolean


point_popup.popup_pointer boolean


point_popup.panel_position string

Allowed values:

  • overlay (Overlay)
  • left (Left)
  • right (Right)
  • top (Top)
  • bottom (Bottom)

point_popup.panel_open_duration number

Open duration.

Max: 2000

point_popup.panel_side_fixed boolean

Always show.

point_popup.panel_side_default_content text

Placeholder content.

point_popup.panel_is_custom boolean

Panel content.

Allowed values:

  • false (Auto)
  • true (Custom)

point_popup.show_panel_styles boolean

Show panel styles.

point_popup.panel_custom_header html

Panel custom header. Use {{column_name}} to add a <a href="">value from your data</a>. Ensure the column is selected, or add it to <b>Info for popups</b> for panel use. <br><br>Advanced users can add <a href="">HTML</a> for styling or <a href="">add category colors</a> to panel headers. <br><br>To <a href="">hide parts of the panel</a> when a column is empty using <pre>{{#if column_name}}Content for non-empty column_name{{/if}}.</pre> For example: <pre>{{#if Capital name}}Capital:{{/if}} {{Capital name}}.</pre> Here, the word "Capital:" will only show if the corresponding cell in the "Capital name" column is not empty.

point_popup.panel_custom_main html

Panel custom main content. Use {{column_name}} to add a <a href="">value from your data</a>. Ensure the column is selected, or add it to <b>Info for popups</b> for panel use. <br><br>Advanced users can add <a href="">HTML</a> for designs, styles, <a href="">images, videos and <a href="">embedded Flourish charts</a>, <br><br>To <a href="">hide parts of the panel</a> when a column is empty using <pre>{{#if column_name}}Content for non-empty column_name{{/if}}.</pre> For example: <pre>{{#if Capital name}}Capital:{{/if}} {{Capital name}}.</pre> Here, the word "Capital:" will only show if the corresponding cell in the "Capital name" column is not empty.

point_popup.panel_width_overlay number

Width (%).

point_popup.panel_height_overlay number

Height (%).

point_popup.panel_width_side number

Width (%).

point_popup.panel_height_side number

Height (%).

point_popup.panel_max_width number

Max width (px).

point_popup.panel_max_height number

Max height (px).

point_popup.panel_vertical_position string

Vertical position. Choosing <b>Click position</b> is especially useful when your visualization is really tall, this will make sure the panel content is always on top of the element you've clicked on

Allowed values:

  • click (Click position)
  • center (Center)

point_popup.panel_text_color color

Text color.

point_popup.panel_font_size number

Text size.

point_popup.panel_align string


Allowed values:

  • start (fa-align-left)
  • center (fa-align-center)
  • end (fa-align-right)

point_popup.panel_background color

Fill color.

point_popup.panel_background_opacity number

Fill opacity.

Max: 1

point_popup.panel_padding number


point_popup.panel_radius number

Radius. Corner radius of panel

point_popup.panel_list_type string

List type.

Allowed values:

  • table (fa-table)
  • ul (fa-list)

point_popup.panel_list_label_weight string

Label weight.

Allowed values:

  • normal (Normal)
  • bold (Bold)

point_popup.panel_list_separator string

List separator.

Predefined values:

  • : (:)
  • (–)
  • (Empty space)
  • <br /> (Line break)

point_popup.panel_shadow boolean


choropleth_popup.mode string

Allowed values:

  • none (None)
  • popup (Popup)
  • panel (Panel)
  • both (Both)

choropleth_popup.popup_is_custom boolean

Popup content.

Allowed values:

  • false (Auto)
  • true (Custom)

choropleth_popup.show_popup_styles boolean

Show popup styles.

choropleth_popup.popup_custom_header html

Popup custom header. Use {{column_name}} to add a <a href="">value from your data</a>. Ensure the column is selected, or add it to <b>Info for popups</b> for popup use. <br><br>Advanced users can add <a href="">HTML</a> styling or <a href="">add category colors</a> to popup headers. <br><br>To <a href="">hide parts of the popup</a> when a column is empty using <pre>{{#if column_name}}Content for non-empty column_name{{/if}}.</pre> For example: <pre>{{#if Capital name}}Capital:{{/if}} {{Capital name}}.</pre> Here, the word "Capital:" will only show if the corresponding cell in the "Capital name" column is not empty.

choropleth_popup.popup_custom_main html

Popup custom main content. Use {{column_name}} to add a <a href="">value from your data</a>. Ensure the column is selected, or add it to <b>Info for popups</b> for popup use. <br><br>Advanced users can add <a href="">HTML</a> styling or <a href="">add category colors</a> to popup headers. <br><br>To <a href="">hide parts of the popup</a> when a column is empty using <pre>{{#if column_name}}Content for non-empty column_name{{/if}}.</pre> For example: <pre>{{#if Capital name}}Capital:{{/if}} {{Capital name}}.</pre> Here, the word "Capital:" will only show if the corresponding cell in the "Capital name" column is not empty. <br><br>You can also use {{VALUE}} to get the currently displayed value, and {{METRIC}} to get the associated column header – useful when multiple value columns are set.

choropleth_popup.popup_custom_accessible text

Popup custom accessible content. A text alternative to visual custom popup content that will be read out by screenreaders. This content is added as an <code>aria-label</code> attribute to data point elements. You can still use {{column_name}} to add values from your data, but do not use HTML. For example: <code>{Name}}, Population: {{Population}}, GDP: {{GDP}}</code> If left empty, accessible content will fallback to the default popup content.

choropleth_popup.popup_width number

Max width. In <a href="">rems</a>, multiples of base font size. Leave blank to let the width adjust based on the contents.

choropleth_popup.popup_font_size number

Text size.

choropleth_popup.popup_text_color color

Text color.

choropleth_popup.popup_align string


Allowed values:

  • start (fa-align-left)
  • center (fa-align-center)
  • end (fa-align-right)

choropleth_popup.popup_background color

Fill color.

choropleth_popup.popup_background_opacity number

Fill opacity.

Max: 1

choropleth_popup.popup_padding number


choropleth_popup.popup_radius number

Radius. Corner radius of popup

choropleth_popup.popup_header_type string

Header style.

Allowed values:

  • block (Header block)
  • inline (Header inline)

choropleth_popup.popup_header_background color


choropleth_popup.popup_header_text_color color


choropleth_popup.popup_list_type string

List type.

Allowed values:

  • table (fa-table)
  • ul (fa-list)

choropleth_popup.popup_list_label_weight string

Label weight.

Allowed values:

  • normal (Normal)
  • bold (Bold)

choropleth_popup.popup_list_separator string

List separator.

Predefined values:

  • : (:)
  • (–)
  • (Empty space)
  • <br /> (Line break)

choropleth_popup.popup_shadow boolean


choropleth_popup.popup_pointer boolean


choropleth_popup.panel_position string

Allowed values:

  • overlay (Overlay)
  • left (Left)
  • right (Right)
  • top (Top)
  • bottom (Bottom)

choropleth_popup.panel_open_duration number

Open duration.

Max: 2000

choropleth_popup.panel_side_fixed boolean

Always show.

choropleth_popup.panel_side_default_content text

Placeholder content.

choropleth_popup.panel_is_custom boolean

Panel content.

Allowed values:

  • false (Auto)
  • true (Custom)

choropleth_popup.show_panel_styles boolean

Show panel styles.

choropleth_popup.panel_custom_header html

Panel custom header. Use {{column_name}} to add a <a href="">value from your data</a>. Ensure the column is selected, or add it to <b>Info for popups</b> for panel use. <br><br>Advanced users can add <a href="">HTML</a> for styling or <a href="">add category colors</a> to panel headers. <br><br>To <a href="">hide parts of the panel</a> when a column is empty using <pre>{{#if column_name}}Content for non-empty column_name{{/if}}.</pre> For example: <pre>{{#if Capital name}}Capital:{{/if}} {{Capital name}}.</pre> Here, the word "Capital:" will only show if the corresponding cell in the "Capital name" column is not empty.

choropleth_popup.panel_custom_main html

Panel custom main content. Use {{column_name}} to add a <a href="">value from your data</a>. Ensure the column is selected, or add it to <b>Info for popups</b> for use in panels. <br><br>Advanced users can add <a href="">HTML</a> styling or <a href="">add category colors</a> to panel headers. <br><br>To <a href="">hide parts of the panel content</a> when a column is empty using <pre>{{#if column_name}}Content for non-empty column_name{{/if}}.</pre> For example: <pre>{{#if Capital name}}Capital:{{/if}} {{Capital name}}.</pre> Here, the word "Capital:" will only show if the corresponding cell in the "Capital name" column is not empty.<br><br>You can also use {{VALUE}} to get the currently displayed value, and {{METRIC}} to get the associated column header – useful when multiple value columns are set.

choropleth_popup.panel_width_overlay number

Width (%).

choropleth_popup.panel_height_overlay number

Height (%).

choropleth_popup.panel_width_side number

Width (%).

choropleth_popup.panel_height_side number

Height (%).

choropleth_popup.panel_max_width number

Max width (px).

choropleth_popup.panel_max_height number

Max height (px).

choropleth_popup.panel_vertical_position string

Vertical position. Choosing <b>Click position</b> is especially useful when your visualization is really tall, this will make sure the panel content is always on top of the element you've clicked on

Allowed values:

  • click (Click position)
  • center (Center)

choropleth_popup.panel_text_color color

Text color.

choropleth_popup.panel_font_size number

Text size.

choropleth_popup.panel_align string


Allowed values:

  • start (fa-align-left)
  • center (fa-align-center)
  • end (fa-align-right)

choropleth_popup.panel_background color

Fill color.

choropleth_popup.panel_background_opacity number

Fill opacity.

Max: 1

choropleth_popup.panel_padding number


choropleth_popup.panel_radius number

Radius. Corner radius of panel

choropleth_popup.panel_list_type string

List type.

Allowed values:

  • table (fa-table)
  • ul (fa-list)

choropleth_popup.panel_list_label_weight string

Label weight.

Allowed values:

  • normal (Normal)
  • bold (Bold)

choropleth_popup.panel_list_separator string

List separator.

Predefined values:

  • : (:)
  • (–)
  • (Empty space)
  • <br /> (Line break)

choropleth_popup.panel_shadow boolean


Enable search for points.

Enable search for regions.

search_box_size number

Box size.

Max: 5

search_box_width number

Bar width. Width of the search bar when expanded

Max: 40

search_bg_color color


search_bg_opacity number


Max: 1

search_box_stroke number

Stroke. Strongness of stroke color

Max: 1

search_text_color color

Text color.

search_icon_color color

Icon color.

search_box_radius number


search_placeholder string

Placeholder text. The text to show when the search field is empty

search_dropdown boolean

Always show dropdown suggestions. If disabled it will only show suggestions after typing 2 characters

search_expanded boolean

Always expand searchbox.


legend_container.alignment string


Allowed values:

  • start (fa-align-left)
  • center (fa-align-center)
  • end (fa-align-right)

legend_container.orientation string


Allowed values:

  • horizontal (Horizontal)
  • vertical (Vertical)

legend_container.title_weight string

Title weight.

Allowed values:

  • bold (Bold)
  • normal (Normal)

legend_container.text_weight string

Text weight.

Allowed values:

  • bold (Bold)
  • normal (Normal)

legend_container.text_color color


legend_container.text_size number


Max: 10

legend_categorical_points_show boolean

Show point color legend. Legend will always be hidden if there are over 100 categories

legend_categorical_points.show_legend boolean

Allowed values:

  • true (Enabled)
  • false (Disabled)

legend_categorical_points.title_mode string

Title mode.

Allowed values:

  • auto (Auto)
  • custom (Custom)

legend_categorical_points.title string


legend_categorical_points.swatch_width number

Swatch width.

legend_categorical_points.swatch_height number

Swatch height.

legend_categorical_points.swatch_radius number

Roundness. The radius of the corners of the swatch (in pixels)

legend_categorical_points.legend_items_padding number

Padding. Padding between legend items (<a href="">in rems</a>)

legend_categorical_points.swatch_outline boolean

Outline. An optional outline for the swatch in the legend

legend_categorical_points.swatch_outline_color color


legend_categorical_points.order_override text

Custom order override. Manually specify the order of legend entries (one entry per line)

legend_categorical_points.icon_height number

Height. Height of icon (<a href="">in rems</a>)

legend_categorical_points.icon_color color

Color. Fallback color (icon color if not determined by template)

legend_categorical_points.max_width number

Max width.

legend_categorical_points.orientation string


Allowed values:

  • horizontal (Horizontal)
  • vertical (Vertical)

legend_categorical_points_interaction boolean

Click to hide/show points.

legend_arrow_show boolean

Show arrow legend.

legend_arrow_positive_label string

Positive label.

legend_arrow_negative_label string

Negative label.

legend_arrow.show_legend boolean

Allowed values:

  • true (Enabled)
  • false (Disabled)

legend_arrow.title_mode string

Title mode.

Allowed values:

  • auto (Auto)
  • custom (Custom)

legend_arrow.title string


legend_arrow.swatch_width number


legend_arrow.swatch_height number


legend_arrow.swatch_radius number

Roundness. The radius of the corners of the swatch (in pixels)

legend_arrow.legend_items_padding number

Padding. Padding between legend items (<a href="">in rems</a>)

legend_arrow.swatch_outline boolean

Outline. An optional outline for the swatch in the legend

legend_arrow.swatch_outline_color color


legend_arrow.order_override text

Custom order override. Manually specify the order of legend entries (one entry per line)

legend_arrow.icon_height number

Arrow height. Height of icon (<a href="">in rems</a>)

legend_arrow.icon_color color

Color. Fallback color (icon color if not determined by template)

legend_arrow.max_width number

Max width. Max width of the legend container (relative to the base font size)

legend_arrow.orientation string


Allowed values:

  • horizontal (Horizontal)
  • vertical (Vertical)

legend_size_show boolean

Show point size legend.

legend_size.show_legend boolean

Allowed values:

  • true (Enabled)
  • false (Disabled)

legend_size.title_mode string

Title mode.

Allowed values:

  • auto (Auto)
  • custom (Custom)

legend_size.title string


legend_size.shape_fill color

Shape fill.

legend_size.shape_stroke color

Stroke. Hint: set to same value as fill for no stroke

legend_size.clip_height number

Max height. Maximum height of shape (<a href="">relative to root font size</a>)

legend_size.small_symbol_size number

Small/large proportion. Proportion of the smallest symbol's value compared to the biggest symbol's value. 0.5 means it's half the value of the big symbol.

Max: 1

legend_map_show boolean

Show region color legend. Categorical legend will always be hidden if there are over 100 categories

legend_categorical_map.show_legend boolean

Allowed values:

  • true (Enabled)
  • false (Disabled)

legend_categorical_map.title_mode string

Title mode.

Allowed values:

  • auto (Auto)
  • custom (Custom)

legend_categorical_map.title string


legend_categorical_map.swatch_width number

Swatch width.

legend_categorical_map.swatch_height number

Swatch height.

legend_categorical_map.swatch_radius number

Roundness. The radius of the corners of the swatch (in pixels)

legend_categorical_map.legend_items_padding number

Padding. Padding between legend items (<a href="">in rems</a>)

legend_categorical_map.swatch_outline boolean

Outline. An optional outline for the swatch in the legend

legend_categorical_map.swatch_outline_color color


legend_categorical_map.order_override text

Custom order override. Manually specify the order of legend entries (one entry per line)

legend_categorical_map.icon_height number

Height. Height of icon (<a href="">in rems</a>)

legend_categorical_map.icon_color color

Color. Fallback color (icon color if not determined by template)

legend_categorical_map.max_width number

Max width.

legend_categorical_map.orientation string


Allowed values:

  • horizontal (Horizontal)
  • vertical (Vertical)

legend_continuous_map.show_legend boolean

Allowed values:

  • true (Enabled)
  • false (Disabled)

legend_continuous_map.title_mode string

Title mode.

Allowed values:

  • auto (Auto)
  • custom (Custom)

legend_continuous_map.title string


legend_continuous_map.color_band_width number

Color band width.

legend_continuous_map.color_band_height number

Color band height.

legend_continuous_map.color_band_radius number

Roundness. The radius of the corners of the color band (in pixels)

legend_continuous_map.binned_label_mode string

Binned label mode.

Allowed values:

  • thresholds (Thresholds)
  • centers (Centers)
  • custom (Custom)

legend_continuous_map.binned_label_custom string

Custom bin labels. List numeric values, separated by semi-colons.

legend_continuous_map.legend_min number

Legend min.

legend_continuous_map.additional_min_label string

Custom min label.

legend_continuous_map.legend_max number

Legend max.

legend_continuous_map.additional_max_label string

Custom max label.


zoom_on boolean

Allowed values:

  • true (Enabled)
  • false (Disabled)

zoom_animation_duration number

Animation duration (in seconds). Used when changing slides in stories

Max: 10

zoom_scaling_mode string

Scaling of points and outlines.

Allowed values:

  • linear (With zoom)
  • sqrt (Compromise)
  • off (Don't scale)

zoom_message_key string

Zoom message (key). {{KEY}} is a special name that will be replaced by 'Ctrl' on Windows and '⌘' on Apple computers

zoom_message_touch string

Zoom message (touch).

zoom_message_fill color

Fill color.

zoom_message_stroke color

Stroke color.


layout.body_font font

Main font. This font will apply to the whole graphic by default. You can optionally change the font for the title, subtitle, footer, etc in the Header and Footer settings panels.

layout.font_color color

Text color. This color will apply to the whole graphic by default, You can optionally change the color for individual text elements, in other settings panels.

layout.background_color_enabled boolean


Allowed values:

  • true (On)
  • false (Off)

layout.background_image_enabled boolean


Allowed values:

  • true (On)
  • false (Off)

layout.background_color color

Background color.

layout.background_image_src url

Image URL.

layout.background_image_size string


Allowed values:

  • cover (Fill)
  • contain (Fit)
  • auto (Original)
  • 100% 100% (Stretch)

layout.background_image_position string


Allowed values:

  • top left (Top left)
  • top center (Top center)
  • top right (Top right)
  • center left (Center left)
  • center center (Center)
  • center right (Center right)
  • bottom left (Bottom left)
  • bottom center (Bottom center)
  • bottom right (Bottom right)

layout.max_width_target string

Maximum width. Apply a <a href="">maximum width</a> to just the <b>main graphic</b> or <b>everything</b> (main graphic plus header, footer, etc).

Allowed values:

  • none (None)
  • wrapper (Everything)
  • primary (Main graphic)

layout.max_width number

Maximum width. Leave blank to stretch to container width

Min: 50

layout.max_width_align string


Allowed values:

  • left (fa-align-left)
  • center (fa-align-center)
  • right (fa-align-right)

layout.layout_order string

Layout order.

Allowed values:

  • stack-default (Header – controls – legend – primary graphic – footer)
  • stack-2 (Primary graphic – header – controls – legend – footer)
  • stack-3 (Header – primary graphic – controls – legend – footer)
  • stack-4 (Controls – primary graphic – header – controls – legend – footer)
  • grid-1 (Grid mode: Primary graphic on the right)

layout.space_between_sections string

Space between sections.

Allowed values:

  • 0.5 (▁)
  • 1 (▃)
  • 1.5 (▄)
  • custom (...)

layout.space_between_sections_custom number


Max: 100

layout.margin_top number


layout.margin_right number


layout.margin_bottom number


layout.margin_left number


layout.border.enabled boolean

Show borders around visualisation. number

Top. string


Allowed values:

  • solid (Solid)
  • dashed (Dashed)
  • dotted (Dotted) color


layout.border.right.width number

Right. string


Allowed values:

  • solid (Solid)
  • dashed (Dashed)
  • dotted (Dotted)

layout.border.right.color color


layout.border.bottom.width number

Bottom. string


Allowed values:

  • solid (Solid)
  • dashed (Dashed)
  • dotted (Dotted)

layout.border.bottom.color color


layout.border.left.width number

Left. string


Allowed values:

  • solid (Solid)
  • dashed (Dashed)
  • dotted (Dotted)

layout.border.left.color color


layout.read_direction string

Read direction. This will change the reading direction of the main text elements on the page. It's not possible to adjust this on all elements, such as axes. <br><br>Note that when direction is set to <b>right to left</b> any alignment icons will be reversed.

Allowed values:

  • ltr (Left to right)
  • rtl (Right to left)

layout.font_size_mobile_small number

layout.font_size_mobile_big number

layout.font_size_tablet number

layout.font_size_desktop number

layout.font_size_big_screen number

layout.breakpoint_mobile_small number

layout.breakpoint_mobile_big number

layout.breakpoint_tablet number

layout.breakpoint_desktop number

layout.breakpoint_big_screen number

layout.header_align string


Allowed values:

  • left (fa-align-left)
  • center (fa-align-center)
  • right (fa-align-right)

layout.title html

layout.title_styling boolean


layout.title_font font

Title Font.

layout.title_size string


Allowed values:

  • 1.4 (ᴀ)
  • 1.6 (A)
  • 2 (fa-font)
  • custom (...)

layout.title_size_custom number

Custom. Specify a custom responsive font size in <a href="">rems</a>. The best results will be with values between 1.2 and 3

layout.title_weight string


Allowed values:

  • bold (Bold)
  • normal (Regular)

layout.title_color color


layout.title_line_height number

Line height.

Max: 3

layout.title_space_above string

Space above.

Allowed values:

  • 0 (▁)
  • 0.5 (▃)
  • 1 (▄)
  • custom (...)

layout.title_space_above_custom number


Max: 100

layout.subtitle html

layout.subtitle_styling boolean


layout.subtitle_font font

Subtitle Font.

layout.subtitle_size string


Allowed values:

  • 1.4 (ᴀ)
  • 1.6 (A)
  • 2 (fa-font)
  • custom (...)

layout.subtitle_size_custom number

Custom. Specify a custom responsive font size in <a href="">rems</a>. The best results will be with values between 1.2 and 3

layout.subtitle_weight string


Allowed values:

  • bold (Bold)
  • normal (Regular)

layout.subtitle_color color


layout.subtitle_line_height number

Line height.

Max: 3

layout.subtitle_space_above string

Space above.

Allowed values:

  • 0 (▁)
  • 0.5 (▃)
  • 1 (▄)
  • custom (...)

layout.subtitle_space_above_custom number


Max: 100

layout.header_text html

layout.header_text_styling boolean


layout.header_text_size string


Allowed values:

  • 1.2 (ᴀ)
  • 1.4 (A)
  • 1.6 (fa-font)
  • custom (...)

layout.header_text_size_custom number

Custom. Specify a custom responsive font size in <a href="">rems</a>. The best results will be with values between 1.2 and 3

layout.header_text_weight string


Allowed values:

  • bold (Bold)
  • normal (Regular)

layout.header_text_color color


layout.header_text_line_height number

Line height.

Max: 3

layout.header_text_space_above string

Space above.

Allowed values:

  • 0 (▁)
  • 0.5 (▃)
  • 1 (▄)
  • custom (...)

layout.header_text_space_above_custom number


Max: 100

layout.header_border string

Allowed values:

  • top (Top)
  • bottom (Bottom)
  • top_and_bottom (Top & bottom)
  • none (None)

layout.header_border_width number


layout.header_border_color color


layout.header_border_style string


Allowed values:

  • solid (Solid)
  • dashed (Dashed)
  • dotted (Dotted)

layout.header_border_space number

Space. Space between border and header text

layout.header_logo_enabled boolean

Allowed values:

  • true (Enabled)
  • false (Disabled)

layout.header_logo_src url


layout.header_logo_alt string

Alt text.


layout.header_logo_height number


layout.header_logo_align string

Align. Align logo inside either the header or the main visualization container

Allowed values:

  • inside (Header)
  • outside (Main container)

layout.header_logo_position_inside string


Allowed values:

  • top (Top)
  • left (Left)
  • right (Right)

layout.header_logo_position_outside string


Allowed values:

  • left (Left)
  • right (Right)

layout.header_logo_margin_top number


layout.header_logo_margin_right number


layout.header_logo_margin_bottom number


layout.header_logo_margin_left number


layout.footer_align string


Allowed values:

  • left (fa-align-left)
  • center (fa-align-center)
  • right (fa-align-right)
  • justify (fa-align-justify)

layout.footer_text_size number


layout.footer_text_color color


layout.footer_styling boolean

Advanced footer styles.

layout.footer_font font


layout.footer_text_weight string


Allowed values:

  • bold (Bold)
  • normal (Regular)

layout.source_name string

Source name.

layout.source_url string

Source url.

layout.multiple_sources boolean

Multiple sources.

layout.source_name_2 string

Source name.

layout.source_url_2 string

Source url.

layout.source_name_3 string

Source name.

layout.source_url_3 string

Source url.

layout.source_label string

Source label.

layout.footer_note html


layout.footer_note_secondary html

Note (secondary). The secondary note is placed below the source and primary note

layout.footer_logo_enabled boolean


Allowed values:

  • true (Enabled)
  • false (Disabled)

layout.footer_logo_src url


layout.footer_logo_src_light hidden

Image (light version). If provided this version will be used whenever the background color is dark

layout.footer_logo_alt string

Alt text.


layout.footer_logo_height number


layout.footer_logo_margin number


layout.footer_logo_order string


Allowed values:

  • left (Left)
  • right (Right)

layout.footer_align_vertical string

V. align.

Allowed values:

  • flex-start (Top)
  • center (Center)
  • flex-end (Bottom)

layout.footer_border string

Allowed values:

  • top (Top)
  • bottom (Bottom)
  • top_and_bottom (Top & bottom)
  • none (None)

layout.footer_border_width number


layout.footer_border_color color


layout.footer_border_style string


Allowed values:

  • solid (Solid)
  • dashed (Dashed)
  • dotted (Dotted)

layout.footer_border_space number

Space. Space between border and footer text


layout.screenreader_text_primary text

Screenreader description. A text alternative to the visual content that will only be visible to <a href="">screenreaders</a>, e.g. “The line chart shows China consistently higher than the other countries since 1990”. <br><br>Do not replicate your title, since that will also be read by screenreaders.

layout.screenreader_label string

Screenreader label. A short text label given to the main Flourish embed wrapper to provide an accessible name that is only visible to <a href="">screenreaders</a>. Added in the form of an "aria-label".

layout.screenreader_hide_primary boolean

Screenreader mode for main visual container. Whether the main visual container is visible to <a href="">screenreaders</a>. (Text in the header and footer are always available to screenreaders.)

Allowed values:

  • true (Hidden)
  • false (Readable)

URL settings

url_state.enabled boolean

Update project from URL. Make it possible to change the visualization's settings/state from the <a href="">URL hash</a>, for example when embedding in an iframe or popup panel

url_state.whitelist text

Allowed state properties. List each state property you want to make changeable with the <a href="">URL hash</a>. See the template page for a full list of state properties. <br><br>Add one property name per line. Use dot format for nested properties, e.g. `layout.background_color`.

State documentation

hovered_feature hidden

Selected feature. Region or point which is highlighted and which the popup should point to. If nothing is highlighted then this should be null. Otherwise it should be a string of the form <type>-<index>, where <type> is either "regions" or "points" and index is the corresponding (0-based) row index. For example "regions-0" or "points-134". When this value is not null, the sticky_hover property should usually be true.

sticky_hover hidden

Is the popup and highlighting fixed to the hovered_feature (true) or should moving the mouse over other features change which feature is highlighted?.

filter hidden

Points filter. An object whose keys are names of the colour categories (for points) that should be filtered out and whose values are (usually) something truthy.

zoom_transform hidden

Zoom transformation. An object specifying the transformation to zoom the map in on a region. It has five properties. k is the zoom level (k = 1 for no zoom, k > 1 for zoomed in). x and y are the negatives of the horizontal and vertical coordinates (0, 0 is the top left corner) the zoom is centred on. width and height specify the width and height (in pixels) of the map on which the transform is performed.