
Updated 7 years ago by Duncan Clark

How to use this template

Sample Flourish template: circle

This sample template demonstrates how settings can be used to change the state of a graphic, and how to use D3 transitions to animate a graphic to an updated state.

Use the Flourish SDK to try it out.

The main code file for the template is src/index.js.

This section documents API usage specific to this template, so for an introduction we suggest you refer to the generic API documentation instead.

template: _71

version: _1

Template data

This template does not have any data bindings, so you shouldn't include data or bindings key/value pairs in your opts object that is passed to the API. You should specify the template and template version in the opts object like:

    template: "_71",
    version: "_1",

Template settings

Options for opts.state.

radius number

Radius. The radius of the circle

stroke number

Stroke. The thickness of the circle’s border, between 0 and 5

color color

Color. The color of the circle